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What is Shipping?

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I see it all over SPP, like Contestshipping, Pokeshipping, and I want to know...


Vader hater

<<<If u have pm me
like when you get pictures of two charectars flirting.


The Queen
Shipping - to ship - means to support two fictional characters as a romantic couple. Each "ship", the fandom, has a different name, along with the suffix "-shipping" to indicate a different pair. That name/word tells you something about the ship at hand. For instance - Contestshipping - the supporting of the May and Drew romance from Pokemon. The name comes from the fact they both enter contests.
Hope that helps.


Well-Known Member
Shipping is basically a possible romance between two characters.


PokeShipping: Ash and Misty
AdvanceShipping: Ash and May
ContestShipping: May and Drew

Night Avenger

Rust In Peace
Ship is short for Relationship. So a Shipping is a relationship between tyow caracters preeceded by s prefix which is what these two characters have in common. Example:

Contestshipping. May + Drew. Well this is a shipping that supports a relationship between May and Drew who have contests in common.

Understood? :D
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