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what is that white rock for?

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the mystic
The rock in mossdeep city. what is it for? the girl standing by it looking at it says something about a wish tag or something. where do you get that?


Shadow Amongst Light
The rock in mossdeep city. what is it for? the girl standing by it looking at it says something about a wish tag or something. where do you get that?

There is no purpose for the rock.... it only eludes to the existence of jirachi but in no way has any being for summoning him (don't believe anyone who tells you there is a trick with that rock that summons jirachi because it is a flat out lie).

diablo l.o.d

zapdos's master
the rock does nothing but it looks good! and dark spectrum us right no jirachi trick exists the only way to get jirachi is pokemon channel and possibly a nontendo event.


Nope, the Sun Stone is obtained from a sailor inside the Space Center.

I think Nintendo put that White Rock in just to provoke conversations like this one. ;)


Shadow Amongst Light
If you check the rock, don't you get a sunstone? I seem to recall that...

I don't remember getting anything from it.... but that doesn't make the rock special if it did because there are rocks with lots of different prolly better stuff you can find stuff by checking.


I know it doesn't summon Jirachi but I think it was the equivalent of Celebi shrine; just something to let you know it's in the game, even if you can't get it.


Well-Known Member
Maybe it was originally planned for you to be able to get Jirachi in-game, sort of like Celebi in the Crystal Japanese version, but they ended up not doing it and the white rock is one of the remnants.


Well-Known Member
There is no purpose for the rock.... it only eludes to the existence of jirachi but in no way has any being for summoning him (don't believe anyone who tells you there is a trick with that rock that summons jirachi because it is a flat out lie).

That is NOT TRUE. If you go there with a ;412; and ;078; and ;107; in your last 3 spots Jiachi will appear and fight you at level 70!


echospace obsessive
^i honestly hope that was sracsm.

Its for staring and it gives you ideas that it could possiblay be used for.


Yup. Fat<3Cat is either being sarcastic or stupid, as Minomucchi isn't obtainable in R/S/E.

Once again, I will say that the white rock was put there to provoke inquisitions about it.


Well-Known Member
I never had a jirachi (without cheating) so I don't know for sure, but does anything happen to the rock if you do get a legit Jirachi in that game? I am 99.9% sure that the rock is useless, just want to know for sure.


loves birbs.
I never had a jirachi (without cheating) so I don't know for sure, but does anything happen to the rock if you do get a legit Jirachi in that game? I am 99.9% sure that the rock is useless, just want to know for sure.

It's. Useless.
Honestly, Nintendo has to have some FUN sometimes. Who wouldn't fancy putting weird stuff in a game just to laugh at how the Pokemon gamers ask questions like this? XD
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Well-Known Member
It's. Useless.
Honestly, Nintendo has to have FUN sometimes. Who wouldn't fancy putting weird stuff in a game just to laugh at how the Pokemon gamers ask questions like this? XD

Lol just like the Deoxys factor w/ the moon.


Well-Known Member
It's. Useless.
Honestly, Nintendo has to have some FUN sometimes. Who wouldn't fancy putting weird stuff in a game just to laugh at how the Pokemon gamers ask questions like this? XD

Oh well, thats too bad :(.
Same thing with the stupid pattern bush mystery that does not even exist, and they just can't get enough of it.


Eevee Trainer
It's too bad, too. That rock bugged the crap outta me forever when I first started Ruby. I was hoping you'd get Jirachi or some other Uber-rare Pokemon.


Well-Known Member
Yup. Fat<3Cat is either being sarcastic or stupid, as Minomucchi isn't obtainable in R/S/E.

Once again, I will say that the white rock was put there to provoke inquisitions about it.

Yes i was only joking...Who do you think I am?


Shadow Amongst Light
I never had a jirachi (without cheating) so I don't know for sure, but does anything happen to the rock if you do get a legit Jirachi in that game? I am 99.9% sure that the rock is useless, just want to know for sure.

I have legit jirachis and nothing has ever happened at that rock
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