My favorite movies in order:
1. Pokémon 3 [I haven't seen the Japanese version, but I absolutely loved Entei, the story, and the animation, but most of all I liked the English score, especially that piano theme that played at the end of the credits. Such a shame that the producers didn't release an instrumental soundtrack.]
2. Pokémon 8 [Aaron-sama was in it - he's my favorite Pokémon character. The story was different from the others. The animation was great. The regi's were alienistic and had intimidating robot beeping voices. The music was catchy and fresh and actually effected me emotionally, which is a very hard thing to do.]
3. Pokémon 2 [I liked the fact that the antagonist's (Jirarudan didn't seem like an actual villain to me) misinterpretation is what brought about all the problems for everyone on earth. Seeing all those Legendaries trying to kill each other was cool, and Lugia was really neat as well. Good animation, good story, with a great ending.]
Then everything else I hated or thought wasn't that special - the one with Jirachi and the movie with Latias and Latios especially.