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what is the best pokemon???

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There is already a thread about this. And this should be in the Polls section.

oliver sreeves

Well-Known Member
at the moment darkrai.


Strawberry fields.
~*Mudkip Fantastic*~: You try coming up with a thread that hasn't been done a hundred times; impossible.

Mewtwo is probably the best, tied with Rayquaza.


I'm baaaaaack
Uhh. Newbish thread.

Best as in Strongest: Rayquaza
Best as in Greatest Stats: Alakazam =/
Best Pokemon IMO: Grumpig. =D

Sailor Merury

Butterflys rock!
Areusus. Awesome everything. THAT's an uber.


Galaxy Idol
Yeah id have to agree aruseus has the highest stat set in the games and can be any type with a huge movepool...


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Personal fav is Nidoking!


Houndoom is the best!

Emerald Metagross

Well-Known Member
Darkrai and Metagross are the best IMO.
Metapod pwns all!!!!!1
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