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what is the best team rocket sceam and most sucsesful????????

i think it's the one when they try to steel the rocket. it was unlucky for them, very unluky
The best Team Rocket scream?

I didn't know they screamed.
sceam i don't know how to spell the word butt i mean plan
sceam i don't know how to spell the word butt i mean plan
sceam i don't know how to spell the word butt i mean plan
sceame i don't know how to spell the word butt i mean plan
sceame i don't know how to spell the word butt i mean plan
sceame i don't know how to spell the word butt i mean plan
Don't diss the AD problems. ADD and ADHD rulez! I for one have the latter. But on topic. The best plan is always the tried and tested (to not work that well) PITTFALL TRAP!

Evil Azurill

RIP Maddie
The best Team Rocket scream has to be in Pikachu Re-Volts where Jessie and James clasp each other and scream when Butch and Cassidy's pokemon are attacking. James hits a higher note than Jessie and they sound like a pair of opera singers.

Oh...what's that, you say? You meant the word SCHEME?

Well...the best Team Rocket scheme certainly wasn't one of Jessie and James' schemes. They've NEVER had a good idea, which is part why we still have a show.


Well-Known Member
I know this never happened,but Team Rocket should've used there money on a time machine instead of Exploding Balloon rides!So they can go back to the 1st episode made,and steal Pikachu!

Willow's Tara

The Bewitched
Guys, he means what is the best team rocket scheme/scam and the most successful..

My answer: Not sure actually, I can't remeber that many episode in the early days
now that i really think. the best plan was to steal the pokemon from the pokemon centre way back. they ended up destroying the pkmn centre. keep that up and they will be not the best but better;078;
well dewr ja nazi