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What is the longest any one has played in 1 sitting?


Washu's Lover
For me- 9hrs. I was sick in bed all night and could not sleep so I played untill the sun came up, literally!


Shiny Hunter
I have no idea....recently it has been probably about 5-6 hours, maybe a little more. But I know iv'e probably played longer than that..."back in the day"

rune the 1st

well i was playing my brother's crystal and it was the 1st time i played a pkm game i played from 8:00 in the morning 2 2:00 in the night

frontier champion

Well-Known Member
I was once very ill and couldn't leave my bedroom so I played my new leafgreen (This happened during November of 2004) for over 20:00 hours. I literally completed the game!

Emerald Metagross

Well-Known Member
I think I've played it for about 12-14 hours once. :p


The longest time... I think it is like 15 hours or something. But I was sick that night and had some serious sleeping issues.

You gotta beat my friend whom managed to sit 32 hours infront of his computer. We banned his *** from that chair for atleast half a month.


Well-Known Member
I played for 3 hours, then I get bored and went to school ^^

Legendary star

Well-Known Member
I think the longest I've ever played was at camp on a field trip to another county. I played my friend's game trying (not really) to catch a Raquaza for her!


for those of you that say over four hours.......you must not have lives

thats kinda rude, maybe they have nothing to do at the moment. besides, isnt four hours still alot? and maybe they couldnt do anything else, like if they were sick


Jirachi Master
i am embarassed to say this but the truth is 8 hours. It was on a road trip to visit my Dad and all I had was my pokemon game.

top 8 guy

Oh, Man I hate those long car trips I went from Queensland to Canberaa, then Thredbo, and guess what I did, Played my pokemon game for the whole 16 hours


Well-Known Member
When i got my emerald for the first time i played it all day i took the neccicery breaks every hour or so for about 5 minutes but i think it was about 8-9 hours that day. Oh and i managed to finish it all that day(well atleast up to the battle frontier).