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What is the most evil/cheap battle combo you know of?

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I hate some of the clever combos the AI pulls off on XD. But I've heard there's some really nasty combos out there. Do you know any you'd like to talk about, that you hate love to use or think is cheap?


Two words, man: Standard Wobbuffet. And I USE IT!!!! :D :D


I own the 5th gen
I haven't actually tried this myself, but does Imprison continue working even after the Pokemon using it switched out? If so, I'm rather intrigued by the idea of a Samayouru with both Imprison and Earthquake on it.


Smeargle with Spore/Mean Look/Lock On/Sheer Cold.

Sure, it can be beaten. But it's a totally faggy thing to do.


Well-Known Member
Smeargle. Protect-Explosion. Thunderdancing Plusles and Minuns. Follow me and belly drum.


This isn't really a combo, but Double Team + any Pokemon. A single Magneton with Double Team beat my whole team once when I was at PRA this year.

Poke Freak

Loco Dude said:
Using Ditto to clone your partner(which should be powerful)

... If Goldenhouou was here right now she would tell you exaclty what's wrong with that. But since she's not I guess I shall. =P

1. Your opponent gets a free turn because ditto takes a turn to transform. And if the opponent's pokemon are faster than ditto then ditto takes the hit with it's bad defences.

2. Having two of the same pokemon is a bad idea, and that's basically what you are doing by having ditto copy the one poke.

3. It's hp is bad and it's the only thing that stays the same after it transforms. There are some pokemon with worse HP than it that you might want to use, like shuckle or dugtrio, but for the most part Ditto's HP will be lower than the pokemon it copies.

So overall using ditto at all really ain't the best idea.

I personally think the most cheap one is standard wobbuffet. Encore then use attack or switch depending on what the opponent did. Evil has a new name, and it is Wobbuffet!
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Poke Freak

S-H-U-P-P-E-T said:
What About Just Psych up, Amnesia a couple of times, Focus energy, then the mighty powerful PSYCHIC!

Why halo thar haze, roar, whirlwind, dark type pokemon, and Metagross and Jirachi with a 4x phychic resistance.


I own the 5th gen
Poke Freak said:
Why halo thar haze, roar, whirlwind, dark type pokemon, and Metagross and Jirachi with a 4x phychic resistance.

You could have a Double Battle with a Pokemon that knows both Psych Up and Skill Swap and a Pokemon that has Suction Cups.

Speaking of Double Battle situations, if you're good at predicting or disabling your opponent from using certain attacks, Nukenin using Mimic to get Follow Me off of its partner sounds like quite an interesting set up. Also, in a Double Battle involving Nukenin, Metamon is capable of Transforming into it.... it may not help against Super Effective attacks, but it should prevent a one-hit kill from stuff like Sandstorm, Leech Seed, etc. Metamon should preferably have lots of EVs in HP.
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explosion, selfdestruct, one-KO moves, sooooo cheap, I never used any one-KOes on anything other then my Kyogre in Sapphire, but agaisnt the explosion attacks I just pull out my beloved Poli- family guys and my über Golduck (but it can be defeated though)

+Chaos Blade+

Mind Reader + OHKO move. It killed my team, but I struck back with "attack my partner holding Focus Band, I used the Reversal attack combo." No Salac Berry needed.
OMG, I can't believe I didn't notice this Thread. Heh, should be worth a laugh and a half seeing n00bish answers(Doulbe Team+Shucle=00bAH!!!!111!). Anyway, Duggy+Maggy is extraordinarily cheap. Sure, it's an excellent SkarmBliss counter(maybe not even, if Blissey can IB/S-Toss Duggy on the switchin, the next turn will finish it off while Duggy does ~55% damage to Blissey. Skarmory will always die to Maggy, though, so that's why I like Blissey more; pretty much nothing OHKOs it(even Boah only gets a 2HKO with Focus Punch, and Blissey has Softboiled to heal itself)), but Duggy and Maggy accomplish pretty much nothing else. Maggy can counter Forry, but whoo-hoo, way to counter 2 Pokémon out of 386 usable ones ._. Maggy does what it does excellently, but that's all it CAN do with a handful of Physical weaknesses to go along with its pitiful HP, Defense, and Speed. Duggy can work well to counter Blissey, but like I said, Blissey can beat it if it plays its cards right. Dugtrio is the poor man's way to counter Blissey. Hey, I know, let's get a Boah instead, save a slot on your team, and counter a lot more Pokémon than Duggy and Maggy will combined! :idea:

I'd say SkarmBliss, but it's so widely countered that it isn't even funny. If you don't have a counter(and you should), then you could be in for some deep trouble. But really, what experienced NetBattler with half a brain cell goes on NB without a SkarmBliss counter?

The beauty of the whole thing is, though, that Blissey is being less used by a lot of people because of counters. However, the counters aren't invincible, so it's quite easy to take them out and continue wreaking havoc with Blissey. For some reason, though, Skarmory is still widely used. Strange, because it's even easier to counter Skarm. At least Blissey can get at least neutral damage on everything in the game. Skarmory's lucky to acheive damage ._. Nasty surprise, though, when the other team gets walled by the Blissey they weren't expecting XP.

The 8th Champion

Mewtwo's Guardian Demon

If the foe Pokémon has only ONE Pokémon left, and is not Soundproof, using Perish Song and switching out Pokémon who is resistant to the foe's Pokémon is pretty nasty. Same effect, if the foe does not have Sturdy, is the Mind Reader-Sheer Cold combo. In Stadium 2, in the PokéCup, I used a Poliwrath with Mind Reader, Dynamicpunch, hydro Pump, and Fissure. That p*ssed the competition off!

~MGD. ;150;♥
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