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What Is This Game About?


Chu Chu Chu
This is The first announced Pokémon Game For The Nintendo DS and involves Racing Pikachu from the sounds of things.

Here is a translation from the Nintendo JP site

Let's make Pikachu dash by the slide action using the touch pen. The new function carried in Nintendo DS is utilized, and a completely different new feeling from an old game can be enjoyed.

Looking at the radar which displays various information, the Pokémon involving all the checkpoints win early most involving a checkpoint so that it may not be defeated by rival Pokémon together with Pikachu. As well as competition with a rival being pleasant, the feeling which runs about on the Diving to the ground from the sky the ground, or the sea at high speed is speedy, and very invigorating!

Release Date: Japan - December 2, 2004
Genre: Action race game
Players: 1-6

There will be more info from joe in tonights update :)





Knuckle Trainer
Wow, so you control Pikachu like that? Can you use any other Pokemon? Also, is this game just a racing game, or are there other things you can do on it? It looks cool though!


Chu Chu Chu
It Doesn't look like a lot is known yet but we will obtain further info as soon as we get it.


Wow...a Pokemon game for DS? Cool...I did not know anything about it! Wonder if the Forth generation would come out for the DS?
On topic...This game sounds and looks cool though...but I do not think I will buy it...


Contaminated KFC
..just pikachu as a playable character? Not to sound negative, but that kinda sucks. They've got another 385 pokémon at their disposal and they're only planning on using one of them? I do hope they make more pokémon playable characters in this because that would make me want to go out and buy this game. Unless of course they all end up being stupidly popular pokémon like Marril or Togepi >_o; Sounds somewhat similar to how Sonic DS works come to think of it...


The game looks pretty cool, they should make one for Gamecube. I hope the characters are cool


Chu Chu Chu
Gravy said:
..just pikachu as a playable character? Not to sound negative, but that kinda sucks. They've got another 385 pokémon at their disposal and they're only planning on using one of them? I do hope they make more pokémon playable characters in this because that would make me want to go out and buy this game. Unless of course they all end up being stupidly popular pokémon like Marril or Togepi >_o; Sounds somewhat similar to how Sonic DS works come to think of it...

Pikachu will not be the only character playable

G&W (A japanese gaming news site) has updated with the following game information

G&W said:
Pokemon Dash will feature a link with the upcoming Pokemon Emerald for Game Boy Advance, And further down the road, Nintendo plans to bring two more new Pokemon RPGs to the DS, subtitled Diamond and Pearl


Ooh, this game looks pretty cool. The good thing is that I don't need to get a DS right away for the first Pokémon game, since these types of games really aren't my thing.

Still, I wonder if there will be any "mini-games" aside from Racing in this game.


Chu Chu Chu
so far balloon falling like the game from Mario Party 4 seems to be the only other mini game


Dynamo Trainer
This game looks famillier.....Oh I Know its like old game I saw on Amazon Rayman Rush.
Under racing.It also looks like MKDD.
Overall I think I may want this game


Coconut Grunt (TM)
If it can link up with Emerald, and Emerald is not the only one to use the Wireless Adapter; it might be able to do some sort of "Mystery Gift" thing with FR/LF to get new mini-games! What if that was true!


This looks pretty cool, i know I'll get it.

Diamond and Pearl, hey?


Any thoughts on whether the game will be a sort of Mario Kart-esque idea, using pokemon attacks to disrupt other racers? That would be quite cool IMO.


Heh, that sounds neat! Is it gonna be kinda like Mario Kart Racing? I liked that game, it would be even better to race your favorite Pokemon! XD



Awesome! I've been waiting for a Pokemon racing game to come out for ages! Looks excellent so far, and the graphics look like something to be reconed with. Here are my guesses at playable characters:


Meowth, Torchic, Bulbasaur.

Treecko, Mudkip, Charmander, Squirtle, Wobbuffet, Cacnea, Togepi, Lotad.

Seems like alot, I know. But still, if they've got Torchic and Bulbasaur in the pics, then its almost certain the rest of the starters are going to be in the game.

EDIT: Woops, I didn't see the Boxart page. Looks like Mightyena and Jigglypuff are in the game. And what's this...Gonbe?!?!?!? O.O This is strange, don't Nintendo release their new Pokes in the main games, then release them in extra games?
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That's what I think Kelsey, and I really enjoy Mario Kart Double Dash, so I think I will like this game. ^^


Pokémon Snag Master
Well this game looks pretty cool, but I know I won't be getting DS for a long while after its release, so I'll probably be waiting a while for this one.