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What is you favorite looking console?

What is you favorite "looking" console

  • Xbox

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Xbox 360

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • PS2

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • PS3

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Wii

    Votes: 11 68.8%
  • Gamecube

    Votes: 4 25.0%

  • Total voters


shinypidgeot trainer
Xbox 360


Awaiting October.
Wii is the best looking in design then the 360


I dunno lol
Oh, Wii! It just looks so vanilla-ey! Like you could eat it! And the controller's an ice-cream bar! Ka-yum! And you could just gobble it, and munch it, and gobble it, and munch it, and gobble it, and munch it, and gobble it, and munch it...

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Cheeseburger. Awesome. Pure. Awesome.

...Ehhh...Wii? None of the above? I like Dreamcast. Oh, and...

Dreamcast, definatly.

Of course. Yep. Folks, he wins the internet. :D

Shame Dreamcast was shot down by a console concerned with preserving a cool image, instead of the games themselves (no offense to fans). Well, I can always dust off my copy of Sonic Adventure...what a great game...

The Playstation consoles' looks have never really appealed to me. Xbox seems too bulky, though the new design is a helluva lot better. Gamecube is too....er...square...ish...But if I'd have to pick, I guess I'd pick Wii.

Bah. The Orange Swirl on the Dreamcast is just too much for a fanboy to resist. *shrugs*

Flame Haze SnS

Aw crud, not another fave console thread! :(

Anyway, I'd go for Wii since it looks radically cool!


shinypidgeot trainer
Need to get thread back to the top of the list.
^ That's actually concidered spam, and it's quite illegal. Just for future references.

The Wii is the best, IMO. It just looks so sleak and smooth! Not to mention it's size is pretty durn cool! The size of three DVD cases? I'll take it any day!

Second place would be the X360, then the Gamecube, the Xbox, the PS2, and then the PS3. Sony's system's don't really appeal to me.


Blaziken rules!

I choose for Gamecube. I know nothing about the rest.