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What Is Your Fav Berry???


Team Awesome
I like tamato and rabuta berries, which are ugly but can deliver some high-level pokeblock. Leppas are also a favorite because they're so small but they're also high-level. I also like bluk berries, just because.


Well-Known Member
Cornn Berry and Lum berry cause they're pretty, but Lum isn't, it just does good things.

Ho-oh Tamer

Well-Known Member
I like the pecha berry because it looks delicious. I also like the rawst berry because it's like a blue strawberry and I love strawberries.


Sun cat
I like strawberry 2!


frontier master
mine fav is salac berry
My favorites are the Lum, Petaya, and Salac... but I'm mainly saying that 'cause those are the berries I use the most. XD


**Legendary Maven**
Liechi berry

ophie...true.Starf berry i sso cool,i look a like 3d berry.But Liechi berry is still my fav.i love the mix of white and red,and it looks sooooooo cool and tasty,with that red stuff ozzing out of it..mmmmm.
And its so hard to get and legendary,but best of all it contains the power of sea.