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what is your fav Eevee evolution?

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**Legendary Maven**
My fav eevee evlution would be Umbreon it looks so cool ,and i love it in the shiny form....it looks even more cooler in blue rings.first i got a eevee from my FireRed and it was white.I was so excited,then i traded it into my Emerald,once in emerald i evolved into into my fav Umbreon,i never knew it had blue rings....once it evolved it took my breath away. Now i keep my beautiful Umbreon in a Special box,with Special wallpaper i got from Flib site,it has Groudon and Kyogre background. My umbreon also has a Master beauty Contest ribbion with its painting in Lilycove.

So what is your fav????

Trooper Guy

Lost in history...
Wrong section buddy.

Anyways, i'd have to say Umbreon is my favourite, atm. Helped me beat a tough Jirachi on Colosseum (well, i found it tough, considering how poor my team was). Also like the guy above said, it's a great tank.


I'd have to say Vaporeon is cool but I like Umbreon too. The grass one is nifty as well. Eevee is awesome because of its versatility. Yay Eevee! ;134; ;197; ;470;

Meowth! That's right!

Cat Pokemon Trainer
Flareon! ;136; My beautiful fire fox! :D


Don't Blink
Now i keep my beautiful Umbreon in a Special box,with Special wallpaper i got from Flib site,it has Groudon and Kyogre background. My umbreon also has a Master beauty Contest ribbion with its painting in Lilycove.
That's great, it's a Shiny I'd love to have, but why not use it in battles? It's good at them.

Anyway, I'd say Espeon is my favourite.I love the green shiny form.



<<The Best
jolteon or umbreon
Leafia looks the best imo. Awesome defensive moves and we finally have an Eevee that can baton pass attack effectively. Leafia is fast, has a ridiculously high Defense stat. It has an Attack of 110 and has STABbed Leaf Blade which is now power 90 and physical with a high CH ratio. It also has a good HP stat. Who could dislike it?

Anyways, to be honest, I love all 7 Eevees to bits, but Leafia is just the best.


Well-Known Member
In order: Jolteon- adorable, electric dog-fox thing!
Espeon- Also adorable! but not as adorable as jolteon and is a cat thing. i also love psychic types!
Vaporeon- ISH A CUTIE!!! i love vaporeons cause they have an adorable design!
Flareon- is also cute but not as cute as the others, plus i'm not a huge fan of fire types.
Umbreon- even though i hate it, i'm includin all original 5 eevee evos. I HATE UMBREON! its soooo overrated. who cares if its a good battler. you shoudn't likr pokemon because they're strong people. its my least fave poke and i'm tired of all the jolteon dissers and umbreon lovers!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Sneasel-eon. :}

Seriously, all seven are decent... but joint first for me is Flareon and Leafia. Flareon wins for having great physical attack, looking decent and being a bootay-shaker in 3D. Leafia I just like and has great battle potential.


Well-Known Member
I shall make someone even more tired, but I love Umbreon,not for its battle potential but for his looks, he is my favorite pokemon and sorry for me comes Jolteon last (for the eevee evolutions)I don't like his ingame looks, in the anime he was better, but his diamond sprite seems nice. Anyway I am getting tired of Umbreon haters, and there are more Umbreonhaters then Jolteon haters, and btw Umbreon isn't that dammed overrated, nowadays people only find him overrated since a lot of people say he is overrated...

And last thing, most people like Umbreon for his looks, I can't blame them ^_^

oh and to add something I never said I hated a Jolteon, because I like all pokemon


Glacia because of the Ice type, which is my preffered type.

Jolteon because I like it's speed and Sp.Att.

Leafia for the reasons Shuckle Man mentioned.

Flareon because it's looks just screams "Me want huggies"

I don't like Vaporeon, Umbreon and Espeon as much even though I use different type of Eeveelution at every re-start.


Master Strategist
I personally like Espeon the best

my espeon I have in my team for leafgreen has a sweet moveset

Shadow Ball
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