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what is your Fav. Psi Pokemon???

Sailor Merury

Butterflys rock!
Jirachi. So cute! And powerful!


Powerplay Champion
you can make it what you want it to be:)


Leave my posts alone
Mewtwo, for raw power.
But (non Uber) would be Metagross/Espeon.


aka Arbok
Most powerfull, i like: Metagross/Alakazam
Most hated looks: Erureido
Most liked looks: Xatu
Most used: Alakazam


Well-Known Member
I would definitely have to say Xatu... it has grown on me in the last couple of months as I have had it as one of my star Contest Pokémon.

Girafarig <3
And also Slowbro, and Mr. Mime. (especially since in DP he'll have no weaknesses)
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