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What is your favourite from each type?

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Cyper King
Kinda like my thread about "What are peoples fav fire pokes? but for every other type! Note: You dont have to do all the diff. types.

Mine are:

Water: Toritoidon
Electric: Amphorous

You can also do mixed types as well, if you want to?

Ice/grass: Yukikuburi


P.s I sorry again if there is a post like this already!
Grass: Sceptile or Jumpluff hehehe
Electric: Jolteon and Manectric
Water:politoed or quagsire
Ice:Not a fan of any reeely
Fire: Ditto (as in same, not ditto ditto)
Bug: Ledian
dark: Sableye
Dragon: flygon
Fight: none. ever. why
flying: Crobat or aerodctyl
Ghost: Gengar or Banette
Ground: Marowak, Sandslash or Claydol
Normal (my favourite type): Clefable, Sentret, whismur, castform
Poison: Vileplume or Nidoqueen
Psychic: Mew, Solrock
rock: pretty much all of them except onix
Steel: none reeely


Furret rocks
Dragon: Flygon
Normal: Furret
Electricity: Manectric
Insect: Butterfree
Water: Kingdra
Ground: Rhydon
Flying: Pidgeot
Fire: Charizard
Grass: Tangela
Fighting: Hitmonchan
Rock: Golem
Ghost: Gengar
Psychic: Alakazam
Dark: Umbreon
Steel: Steelix
Poison: Beedrill

I can't remember the other type...
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