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--> What is your link battle record? <--


Well-Known Member
What is your link battle record? Post it here and discuss recent or any of your link battles in this thread. Mine is W/24 L/0

Black Widow

Well-Known Member
Well there's no one to battle around here. My freinds from out of town battled with me, so mine is w/6 l/3.

15W/0 L

8 of the wins came from when I pwned 8 kids at the Mew download

Jay star

Coordinator Lover
I only have like 5 people i can play with but on my sapphire (main game) i have 96 wins and 16 loses, but me and my mate rob have been battle like even when we only had torchic and treecko we battled and then it developed on and stuff to like 2 on 2 battle of latios and groudon vs kyogre and latias :D lot of fun playing games like that :D

Ace Hardlight

I want race car bed


Infinity's got 23
W/10 L/13

Most of my wins come from the unrecorded Colloseum/XD matches. On the plus side, my rival is a formidable opponent.


Onions? Where??
88 wins\2 loss


Well-Known Member
0/0/0. I don't know anyone who has both Pokémon and a Link Cable.

Mimori Kiryu

Well-Known Member
If I get to battle with my brother on my Emerald, its 31/17, but on Sapphire, with the kids around the neighborhood, it's 134/2. ;o


Well-Known Member
Staff member
On ruby, it's like 6W/4L. >_>

Yeah, it's been a reeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaallllllllyyyyyyy long time since I've battled, I can really only fight against myself. <<

My sister hates battling, she cries if her pokemon faint/if she looses, and I hate to forfeit {Sp?} four battles just to keep her from turning on the waterworks. >_<



Well-Known Member
I could tell you my formidable record, but that would be cheating as I played against myself. ;( Only for testing purposes mind.


Natsu no Maboroshi
W/86 L/0...I'm a machine...lol