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What is your recue team?



The mine is=

Recue team Go-Getters

leader-mew lvl 100
-mewtwo lvl 100
rank lucario

what is your rescue team?


Team In Flames
Team In Flames

Leader:- Usually Entei
For Monster Houses Leader is:- Articuno
Rank: Lucario


Active Member
Rescue Team Rubberband! ...You heard me. Rubberband.

Leader: Pikachu Lv. 39
I have a bunch of members who I shuffle around, but my second-in-command is Combusken Lv. 35. I have a Platinum rank (just got it yesterday) and am currently trying to recruit Moltres. My third-in-command is likely to be Aggron but I've yet to decide.


Ultimate Marshtomp
lol I'm Team Go-Getters (of course everyone uses the name from the episode).

Main: Suka the Marshtomp lvl. 59
Partner: Sakon the Quilava lvl. 54
Almost all of the time 3rd member: Sakura the Tropius lvl. 40ish.

I'm Diamond rank with about 10,300 rescue points.

Man...I wish I could change my team name...


Active Member
Man...I wish I could change my team name...
I feel your pain. The first time around I was Pokesquad and the second time I was Apocalypse. But "Rubberband" was my sister's idea. She had a better name, but it wouldn't fit: "Five-Alarm Chili".


i want to change my name (again team go-getters) in team psychic


Well-Known Member
Team Lutra
Leader-Usually Wolf(Raichu) but sometimes Cubone
Partner-1/2 the time I go alone, though if I take a partner, it's Dragon(Charizard)
Team Venom
Diamond Rank

Leader: Lv 80 Persian

Revolving Members: Raichu, Mightyena, Articuno, Koffing, Beautifly, and Seviper ranging from Lv 20 to Lv 60.

Altaria Lover

Boulder Trainer
Team Flameshock

Lucario Rank

Charizard level 100 ** Flashfire
Kecleon Level 100 (Yes I have caught Kecleon!) ** Stripy
Articuno Level 100 ** Glacewing

Rotating randomly with Articuno:

Gengar Level 100 ** Nightmare
Dusclops Level 100 ** Death
Salamence Level 100 ** Jaws
Starmie Level 100 ** Psychism
Aggron Level 100 ** Ironhorns

And numerous others, but those are my best 8 PoKeMoN.

Yes, I have a lot of time on my hands XD.

~Altaria Lover


Better then you
Well my main team is usally

Blastoise LV.100
Meganium LV.52
Mewtwo LV.55

The team I use now is

Celebi LV.45
Mew LV.41
Jirachi LV.43

I love my new team.


Ultimate Marshtomp
I feel your pain. The first time around I was Pokesquad and the second time I was Apocalypse. But "Rubberband" was my sister's idea. She had a better name, but it wouldn't fit: "Five-Alarm Chili".

Yeah, if I could change it, my team would probably be called Team Water-Flare or something better than Team Go-Getters.