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What Kind of world is the Pokemon world


Werk, Werk, Werk
Well I always wondered what kind of world is it? Like is Kanto and Johto some place in Japan or is it like there own continant. Do our real continants exsits in the Pokemon world?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Well I always wondered what kind of world is it? Like is Kanto and Johto some place in Japan or is it like there own continant. Do our real continants exsits in the Pokemon world?

There's a Pokemon World Geography Sticky, which can be found here.

And yes, Kanto and Johto, as well as Hoenn and Shinou, are based off of parts of Japan, I know that Kanto is based off the main island of Japan.

Read the sticky for more information, as well as a map.


Dark Aerodactyl

i am not a spammer
i thinks that world is in the atlantic ocean or other planet. I belive it is on earth becouse i want see them. I belive in them


I am the game
shinou is hokkaido and thats the only one i know.


All the regions are based on japan....

Here's one thing that I find interesting. Mew was said to be found/discovered in South America. Now, did they just say that for the American version, or does that still carry over to the original Japanese Version? They've found pokemon in the regions based on japan and in space. Are they ever going to step outside of Japan? If Mew is from South America, don't you think there are other pokemon across the globe?


fuk yo couch ***** !
well china's mentioned in arcanine's dex entry as being some kind of legend
and south america is mentioned with mew
so im guessing theyre just made up parts of the earth. based on japan.
Yeah, like everyone else said, all regions in Pokemon are basically based off Japan, don't know about Orre Region though


The Master...
every region in the world is based on an island around japan all of them


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Yeah, like everyone else said, all regions in Pokemon are basically based off Japan, don't know about Orre Region though

Orre is actually based off desert areas in the U.S. state of Arizona or something.
Phenic City in Orre is based off of Phoenix, Arizona, by the way.
