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what level do u get kecleon?


. . .
There isn't a specific level, but try to be a high one, since he can dish out damage easily.

Be level 100 with a friend bow, ftw.


Well-Known Member
Kecleon is Lv. 90 if thats what you mean

Ho-oh Master

Well-Known Member
you HAVE to be a lv 90+ while holding the friend bow. thats the only way you can get him.

the shops appear in frosty forest (thats when they start showing up in the game).


Well-Known Member
I've never recruited a Kecleon(its going to take too long)

Ho-oh Master- clear your pm thing


oh sorry >.>

I havn't recruited a kecleon but I have tried >.>

They're pretty easy to beat, but recruiting is another thing. With a base recruit chance of -33.9%, you must be at least Level 90+ holding a Friend Bow. Even with all that, you can only get a total of .1% chance.


I wanted ketchup!!!
I have tried numerous times and no recruiting Kekleon and i am a level 100 with a friend bow


I don't know!
wow. Lv90 PkMn (Keckleons) at Mt.Blaze? odd


Well-Known Member
I managed to recruit a Kecleon (Lv.90) few days back. Its bad that you get less that 10 exp. from defeating them. Also, once you recruit them, they loose the ability of moving two tiles in one move, otherwise they can be useful in those lv.1 dungeons.