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what level what team


I can fly!
did you have per storyline boss?
skarmory: lv11 eevee lv13 cyndaquil 1st try
meanies: lv14 eevee lv16cyndaquil lv15 sudowoodo lv 13shroomish 1st try
zapdos: lv16eevee lv 18cyndaquil lv15 sudowoodo lv14 gligar 3rd try
moltres: lv18eevee lv20 cyndaquil 1st try
articuno: lv19 eevee lv 21 cndaquil 3rd try
groudon: lv24 eevee lv26 cyndaquil lv25 absol 1st try
rayquaza: lv27 eevee lv 29 cyndaquil lv 28 absol 1st try

Caterpie Master

Oh My! Noodlesoup!
Skarmory: Pikachu Lv. 8 Totodile lv 9
Meanies: Pikachu lv. 12 Totodile lv 12
Zapdos Pikachu Lv. 19 Totodile lv. 18
Moltres Pikachu Lv. 24 Totodile Lv. 25
Articuno Pikachu Lv. 26 Totodile Lv. 27
Groudon Pikachu Lv 32 Totodile Lv 33
Rayquaza pikachu LV 36 Totodile LV 35
All done in one try


Team In Flames
I never paid any attention to levels and I done them all in one try.


. . .
I can't remember exactly what levels, but:

Skarmory: Pikachu, Torchic.
Meanies: Pikachu, Torchic.
Zapdos: Pikachu, Torchic.
Moltres: Pikachu, Torchic.
Articuno: Pikachu, Torchic, Absol.
Groudon: Pikachu, Torchic, Absol.
Rayquaza: Pikachu, Torchic, Absol.
Kyogre: Pikachu.
Regirock: Pikachu first time, then the above three second time.
Regice: Same.
Registeel: Pikachu, Torchic, Absol.
Mew: Pikachu. (Beat only once and didn't recruit.)