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What move do you hate...


Slow and steady baby
When it's used on you?

I hate when someone uses Ancient Power/Silver Wind and it boosts all of their stats.

I also hate when someone uses Memento, especially when they use it on a sweeper.

Yes i know hate is a strong word, but it sounds ALOT better than dislike, use your own preference, you get the idea.


So Zetta Slow!
I hate when my npc opponents use Protect/Detect but they already know that they're going to lose so why even use protect/detect...hehehe


<-- Geodude is ANGRY
Beat Up --> It's not a powerful move, I have just hated it since stadium 2 whne it took forever to finish X_X

latino heat

Mexican pride
Im starting ti hate metronome every time I use it I usually get explosio or selfdestruct or another crapppy move.


Ready for a vacation
I hate the moves Protect and Detect so much, that I wont even teach them to my own Pokemon.

I hate those moves even more when they're successfully used 4 FRIGGIN TIMES IN A ROW. >_<;;


The new tuxedo look!
A few words....protect.....detect....substitute(only when it's used against me) also mirror coat and counter....soooo annoying.

Meowth! That's right!

Cat Pokemon Trainer
I hate it when Pokemon keep using Sand Attack on me and keep lowering my accuracy until my attacks miss EVERY TIME! >_<


Well-Known Member
I hate moves that decrease my stats. I'm either too blind, weak, or slow to land a good hit. Paralysis, confusion, and infatuation can go to hell too. I know I'm hypocritical for using these attacks, but it sucks when they're used against me.


I love garlic. :P
I hate metronome more then any other attack...! Every time my Zynx use it, then it uses a stupid weak attack, like tackle...! So i delete it soon... No other attacks harm me that much...
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sand attack for one. And of course protect, detect. I don't know how much pelipers wasted my pp that way.
sand attack, and facade. It's not even that poweerful an attack but after Norman, the very mention of it consumes me with RAGE

especially since I taught it to one of my own pokemon and it worked terribly.

shiney mew

Marsh Trainer
Swagger used on a high-Attack Pokemon. Anorith hurt itself a lot in its confusion. As in pink HP right after it was just at full health. Double Team, Minimize, and Sand Attack are annoying because the user will refuse to get hit, but only if it's the AI. Your Pokemon will still get attacked anyway.

But what I hate most at the moment is Yawn in Mystery Dungeon, particularly when used by someone in a Monster House. Sleeping while being bombed by four Pokemon at once is not fun, especially when they're also lowering your defenses, and the fact that Sleep only goes away after a certain number of your turns, which takes a while when every other Pokemon also has to have a turn. So far, that move has caused me at least two deaths while attempting to do missions in Magma Cavern.
When it's used on you?

I hate when someone uses Ancient Power/Silver Wind and it boosts all of their stats.

I also hate when someone uses Memento, especially when they use it on a sweeper.

Yes i know hate is a strong word, but it sounds ALOT better than dislike, use your own preference, you get the idea.

I hate protect detect when they are used by the oppnent.Also,ancient power.


Who can say?
Sand Attack when I miss after one Sand Attack....
Protect/Detect as it usually just wastes a turn, I don't hate the moves too much but when the oppponent manages to use it turn after turn...