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What old pokemon for Ash and what new ones?

Armored Zangoose

Well-Known Member
List here all the old pokemon you'd like to see Ash use in Shinou and travel with and what new pokemon you want him to catch.



I'll add more to my new later I have to go


Always Friends
Nice... Let's see... The bugs... Well of course he'll get the bug. Maybe Mimiroru or Nyayuma? Oh, I know. Korinku, or course.


Previously Iota
Hmm...no. If anything, Ash will use his reserves for the League, which is highly unlikely, as he's doing a fresh start again. Meaning he'll want to use only the Pokémon caught this region.

There could possibly be a Whirl Island-esque mini saga, or a Battle Frontier-esque mini saga.

If the former, no old Pokémon will return, but we may get some old character appearences.

If the latter, I can see Ash switching with a few of them. But in either situation, Butterfree and Primeape are never going to return, along with Lapras and Pidgeot. If they are ever going to, it will be at the very end of the show, and we'll see some sort of magical reunion.

If the next mini-saga is Battle Frontier-esque, I'd like to see some that weren't used in said mini-saga. Namely the Johto starters, who could all use some major Torkoal-ish battles. Tauros may have already been used, but I didn't like waht they did with him. Him, Muk and Kingler should be brought back to battle, since...Muk hasn't done anything since the Silver Conference, and Kingler hasn't done anything since the Whirl Island Cup (Johto League doesn't count, since he was never actually used.)

So yes.

My list of reserves to be used in the next mini-saga are:

Cyndaquil - Either give it some amazing new attacks or evolve it. Preferably both.

Bayleef - Doesn't need an evolution, but a fresh attack would be welcome.

Totadile - Good showtime needed. He always had an amazing battle style, with his energetic dancing helping him dodge attacks. I'd like to see this trait follow into any future evolution.

Muk - Needs some battling that doesn't involve "His body reflects attacks" or "Sludge Bomb!". Shadow Punch? Or even, if we're lucky, some of the new D/P poison type attacks.

Kingler - No spotlight in a long time, and last time it was seen outside of Oak's, it got shafted for a Squirtle appearence. I'd like to see one of Ash's Pokémon with Guillotine, or possibly show the difference between Kingler and Corphish.

Tauros - Don't think he got enough time to develop last time, and Double Team wasn't a welcome attack for me. I'd have preferred something else, and hopefully if it does appear we'll get to see that.

So now onto the Pokémon I want Ash to capture. Well considering he already has four Pokémon with him, and the writers are on the new craze of only giving him six at a time, I'm only going to guess two. One is the most obvious thing ever, but both have uses.

Buoysel - It's been speculated hundreds of times, but it has a base. It's one of the few that can battle on land of the normal Water Types. It is a Pokémon that includes Ash's usual style of Pokémon with a physical asthetic attitude present. Take Grovyle/Corphish. They both had a certain...ignorant demenour about them.

Sukatanku - While not one of Ash's usual types, it posesses Flamethrower, an attack which Ash likes using. Alone with Slash, Blade Test and some possible Egg/TM moves involved, it will become a volitile powerhouse in hte likes of Heracross and Glalie.


Armored Zangoose

Well-Known Member
Gabaito might be good to see because Ash seems like he would be good with a dragon type and it seems like it would be caught after Ash gets his eighth badge as a Fukamaru and would only have time to evolve once. I don't think he'll catch Korinku because Pikachu has been the only electric he's ever had.
Maybe Karanakushi because last time he made a fresh start he caught pokemon like his older ones.


Scuffle of Legends
Gabaito might be good to see because Ash seems like he would be good with a dragon type and it seems like it would be caught after Ash gets his eighth badge as a Fukamaru and would only have time to evolve once. I don't think he'll catch Korinku because Pikachu has been the only electric he's ever had.
Maybe Karanakushi because last time he made a fresh start he caught pokemon like his older ones.

yah but we know he will never get a dragon.


Well-Known Member
Anyway Bring Back Bayleaf,Glalie,Muk,Kingler,Cyndaquil and Totodile


Jedi Council Member
We wont see Ash catch many new Pokemon, since he already has Pikachu, Aipom, Mukkuru, and Naetoru.

My guess is, by the time of the Shinou League, he has Pikachu, Etebossu, Mukkubird, and Hayashigame.

On to the Pokemon i'd like to see him (yes there are more than two but hey, he might catch more than 6 per region once and send some to Oak's, like with Krabby, Muk & Tauros in the first season, and Heracross in the second season.

Fukamaru: Ash really needs a Dragon pokemon once, i can't really see him with Kaburaisu so let's say he keeps it as Gabaito. Also, Ash didn't really have much ground pokemon, Donphan is the only one, i think.

Yukikaburi: I dunno, i think it kinda fits Ash. And Glalie is the only Ice Pokemon he has, and i'm sure, even though he's a big fool, Ash will not let go such an impressive Type Combination.

Gregguru: I dunno, i think it kinda fits Ash.

Sukapuu: It could be kinda like Charizard & Torkoal, that it releases a foul odor when released from it's Pokeball.

♥Princess Ketchum♥

#1 Ash Satoshi Lover
I Love all of his pokemon kanto,jhoto,hoeen and shinou :D so i want him to use all of them in shinou and somehow have butterfree and pidgoet back


Ice Master
i want him to use all of his lod pokemon except his shinou pokemon coz hes been using them for agesssssss.

aswell as the ones he has i want him to catch a buoysel coz it suits him and the more i think about it the more i think he should catch a yanma evo(counts as this regions bug pokemon)


Well-Known Member
I want the Johto starters to get some decent spotlight (they were all shafted in the Johto League and ever since).

Bayleef-It already is cuter than Ash's other grass starters. But it should get a signature move, that none of the other grass starters have (no, body slam doesn't count). Reflect, Lightscreen, Safeguard, Magical Leaf, and Aromatherapy are all possible moves.

Cyndaquil-This guy worked its butt off in Johto. How about it sees some results? It should learn flame wheel, which it never learned. Even more so, smoke erupt/eruption. To top it all off, this guy deserves to evolve into a Quilava (power boost and a sleeker look).

Totodile-Thanks to d/p, Totodile can now learn a bunch of awesome moves, such as aqua tail, ice fang and superpower (even more through breeding). Considering the only attacks Totodile really used were scratch and water gun, this guy deserves another chance.


Well-Known Member
Primape? why? WHY? W-H-Y?

Ash left it so long ago, he never had a close bond to it nor thought back on it n any episode. I don´t see why so many people want primape to return.

Butterfree is gone as well. lives happily with its family. why would it return?

Tauros is one of Ash´s most boring pokemon ever. Wake me up when it does something besides running into the enemy....

and...CHARIZARD? of all pokemon? I knew it is pretty popular but it had more then enough screentime in the whole anime(s)...the same goes for bulbasaur which had even more screentime.

kingler is a boring corphish if yo ask me. I doesn´t have a real personality and a moveset 1:1 with the cor´ besides hyperbeam...not very interesting if you ask me.
and..I like corphish very much, but it had its moments and was with Ash for al long time. give newer pokemon a chance.

I agree the johto-startes need development and good battles, but I doubt it.

I´m happy with new pokemon as long as they have an interesting personality


Well-Known Member
Primape? why? WHY? W-H-Y?

Ash left it so long ago, he never had a close bond to it nor thought back on it n any episode. I don´t see why so many people want primape to return.

Primeape was a great pokemon and the writers wasted the opportunity to have it on Ash's team long-term. Having it return would be great, both for Ash as it's a powerful pokemon and for the viewers as I'm sure it could be used in numerous ways. Sure, it probably won't happen, but it'd be great if it came back.

Armored Zangoose

Well-Known Member
Primeape was a great pokemon and the writers wasted the opportunity to have it on Ash's team long-term. Having it return would be great, both for Ash as it's a powerful pokemon and for the viewers as I'm sure it could be used in numerous ways. Sure, it probably won't happen, but it'd be great if it came back.

It's probably not coming back but if he kept it he would probably get a new fighting type in Hoenn and Shinou, and use cross Chop as much as Flamethrower.