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What Other Pokemon Do You Think Misty May Catch?

What's Your Favourite Pokemon That Misty Has, or Has Had?

  • Total voters

Mizu Kasumi

The Mist
Hey everyone... What Pokemon do you think Misty will catch? I'm not sure, but it'll be cute if Misty catches a Chinchou/Lanturn. As well as maybe a Surskit and Spheal... And any other new water Pokemon if there's any. So, chat to me? ^^


Yeah, ok!
Should have made the "May" a lowercase, since I thought you were talking about the character.

Eh...if we see her with any new Pokemon maybe a Spheal to match her backpack.


CyberCubed said:
Eh...if we see her with any new Pokemon maybe a Spheal to match her backpack.
That's what I think as well. That or a Wooper.


Well-Known Member
I voted Azurill, Luvdisc, Corsola, Psyduck, Horsea, and Togepi/Togetic. Yeah...I like a lot. xP;

I agree with CyberCubed and medea; a Spheal would be great for her to have/catch.

Mizu Kasumi

The Mist
Yep, Lapras would be awesome too! I want her to catch a Spheal too. Lol. Thanks for replying. ^^

Mizu Kasumi

The Mist
Flying Tropius said:
It would be nice if she can catch a milostic

A Milostic? Hmmm... I'm not too familiar with the Hoen Pokemon, I'll go check how it looks like. ^^"

Mizu Kasumi

The Mist
Oh, you mean Milotic. It's so cute, and it's dragon-ish. I love it too. Good idea. *Nods*


Well-Known Member
I'd like her or May to get a Spheal, but mostly Misty.

Other pokemon for misty would be either a Quagsire, Barboach, Surskit or a D/P water type.

Mizu Kasumi

The Mist
-Absol- said:
I'd like her or May to get a Spheal, but mostly Misty.

Other pokemon for misty would be either a Quagsire, Barboach, Surskit or a D/P water type.

Cool. I have to check how does a Barboach looks like though. ^^" Quagsire, I'm not too sure. But it looks okay. I think it'll make great friends with Misty's Psyduck.
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Flying Tropius

-Absol- said:
I'd like her or May to get a Spheal, but mostly Misty.

Other pokemon for misty would be either a Quagsire, Barboach, Surskit or a D/P water type.
surskits a bug Misty HATES: peppers carrots BUGS

Flying Tropius

Lil Brother said:
Actually, that'd be really cool to see hwo she'd react to it.

Misty: Oh! It's so cute! ^_^

Tracey: Yeah, what an awesome Bug Pokemon.

Misty: *puts on "EW BUGS" face* B-b-b.... uuuugg?

XD But I could see her getting a Milotic. Maybe one and Gyarados could be mates! :D
poor gyrados so huge! If he plays with one he eats one! good thing there could be a Milotic...."Can you feel the love tonight.....lalalalala"......etc.
;350; <3 ;130;
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Mizu Kasumi

The Mist
Flying Tropius said:
surskits a bug Misty HATES: peppers carrots BUGS

Yeah, but she loves water Pokemon... Also, it's cute so she probably won't hate it... I mean, Butterfree's a bug Pokemon, but Misty's not scared of it because it's cute... But that's probably just me. I sort of think she's scared of them, rather than hate them... ^^"

Flying Tropius

but i still think Milotic is what most fans want to ask the writer for...merely because it expresses "misty meraid"