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What personality did you get on the PMD quiz?


1. What personality?
2. Did you get the personality that matches you?

I'm Sassy, and I did expect that. :p

Sailor Merury

Butterflys rock!
Same here. Now I'm not honest on that quiz. MUAHAHA!


i dont have MD yet but i took the test on the official website and i got timid. it really represents me especially when its say that when i walk in the night i always check behind me and thats is really true.
I got 3 different personalities. Impish, Hardy and Naive. So I could have been a Pikachu or Cubone, but I wanted to be Eevee the most so I became it :3

If I get Red though, I'll be a Cubone since its the one I got the most. Besides, Cubone is cute ^-^


. . .
I got Hardy. (Or what ever you get for Pikachu when you choose female.) Not like I care, though.

I'm pretty sure others would say I'm Sassy. -_- IRL, though.


Well-Known Member
I don't remember my first quiz but it took me an hour of retaking the quiz to get Pikachu(i guess i'm not like a pikachu) and it was Impish(i expected something like Jolly).

master haris

I Like Cereal!!!!!!!
Kept on trying to get eevee got naive


i got whatever mudkip is.. i forgot...(blue)

and i kept pressing A got cubone and wuz lonely..(red)
I got what Cyndaquil is and I think that it is timid... yeah it does match me in some ways.


Well-Known Member
I got brave at first, although seeing it was Machop...and only really learns fighting type moves, I decided to try again.

Second time I got Bulbasaur's results.

Third time I got Quirky, Meowth thats right!


Better then you
The first time I played MD I got Docile. See that really fits me. The second time I got Jolly. It kinda fits me, but not really.