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What Pokémon's ID number has won you the lottery?

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Well-Known Member
What Pokémon's ID number has won you the lottery?

This is the first time I won anything in the lottery, I got the 3rd prize PP UP, and it was my recently acquired Celebi that won it for me, with the ID number 60720.


I am the game
I haven't won the lottery either.


I said, Bring It ON!


Good Eye Sniper
I win a bunch of PP Ups, EXP Share ,and a Max Revive or something like that. My Zapdos and an Onix win it for me alot. I trade with alot of people but usually my brother and cousin with three games each and constantly starting new games in our minor ones.


My friends Tropius won me the masterball which I eventually used on a Magikarp. I don't remember the id number.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I have won the lottery several times, but I've only won PP ups.

I can't remember every pokemon that I won it with, but on the first time in Ruby, I won with my sister's shiny Lunatone, who's ID number is 47031.



battle pike lover
Honestly, I can't remember the exact number. All I ever won was a single PP up, which was nice, but I was aiming for an exp. share, since I'd accidentally attached my old one to a pokemon which I'd made an in-game trade with.
Nothing...and after a little catastrohe i cant anymore take part of the lottery in my Emerald. Eternal Battery has run dry so every time event is "closed" :(


Natsu no Maboroshi
I won a Master Ball, with a mere Koratta. Go figure. >_> (ID: 01265)
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