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What Pokemon Are You Obsessed With?


Well, like the title says... What Pokemon are you obsessed with? When I say obsessed, I mean would-do-anything-to-make-that-Pokemon alive obsessed. :p I am crazy about Mareep and its evolutions. I drew fanart of them, trained a whole bunch of them with all the movesets they could have (that's not much... since its either special attacker or focus puncher amphy =/). I do feel bad for it being so neglected by GF, but I will always use one on my team no matter how useless it is. =D (I'm starting an obsession with Floatsel, too)



YOUR best friend
Now this is my kind of thread! I love my toothy ball o' exploding goodness SO much that I'm willing to shell out tons of bucks on useless Electrode toys, raise one of each nature and develop personalities for them, work on a fansite for it (I am SO very lazy... but it'll be done... one day)... geeky fun little things like that. If Electrode were real, they'd be freaked out for sure. :B


Well-Known Member
I'm fond of Togepi as it was the first real new pokemon that was introduced to us.. if you don't count hooh at the first episode.


@ Ridi: I could tell. o_O; Electric Pokie obsessions 4ever. :p I also got 2 Mareeps to level 100 without evolving them, even though I have way more Ampharos and Flaaffy. :eek:

@ halloweenghost: Yeah, Togepi was pretty special.


Well-Known Member
*Cough*Banette*Cough* >_>;

But seriously... I would do ANYTHING to get my hands on ANY Banette merchandise which unfortunately I can't find anywhere.



Well-Known Member
Gardevoir... Ah yes, it doesn't get any better then that. Beauty and Power.


YOUR best friend
@ Ridi: I could tell. o_O; Electric Pokie obsessions 4ever. :p I also got 2 Mareeps to level 100 without evolving them, even though I have way more Ampharos and Flaaffy. :eek:
That's awesome. :D I've been wondering if I should raise a Voltorb to level 100 as I really love them too, but on the other hand, I can't stand the thought of letting one miss the chance to evolve into Electrode. xD; Maybe I'll raise one to level ninety-something and leave it at that.

But seriously... I would do ANYTHING to get my hands on ANY Banette merchandise which unfortunately I can't find anywhere.
If you have the opportunity to shop online, have a look here and here. =)


Well-Known Member
^I know that I could get the little plastic figures but those never really appealed to me... I am really looking for Banette plushies. (Which they ironically don't have)


Wild Cherry

Magma Commander
At the moment its Lickitung, it has always been Ninetales and Clefairy and still is, but now I am focusing on the Lickitung, I have been so obsesed I have raised 346 Lickitungs by breeding, sorta like Vyckstas sneasels, only with the 'tungs.

I cant find any Ninetales, Clefairy and Lickitung Plushies anywhere, I have been searching ebay.


<!Seizure Enducing!>

Not coz it's new, because it's the best pokemon to have ever walked the planet. Along with Fuwante.

If It werent Fuwaraido? Well, it used to be Mawile...


Strawberry fields.
Goldeen. There is no doubt about it! Goldeen was actually one of the first Pokémon I ever saw, and since I've always loved gold and fish, she seemed like a natural choice for me to keep as my all-time favorite Pokémon. I've used one on every team I've ever had, and by the grace of God, it finally got a powerful attack: Mega Horn. xD

Gold + fish + Dean = Goldeen.


Chimecho. I loved it the moment I saw it but until now have never had the patience to find and raise one

chime master
Wobbufet because its cute and funny in the anime. It can even hold its own with counter and mirror coat. My next one would be Mime Jr. because it cute


I ain't witty, so no

I'll stop now.

As you can tell, I'm obsessed with Forretress. I feel in love when I saw forry the first time, on a poster advertising something to do with Pokémon.

Besides, who couldn't like a floating metal bug that has cannons and wears glasses?

Jupetta said:
But seriously... I would do ANYTHING to get my hands on ANY Banette merchandise which unfortunately I can't find anywhere.

Meh, at least you can get a hold of pencil toppers. I've never seen ANY Forretress merchandise.


Wow, I didn't know that there would be so much variety. :eek:

Weeeelllll I am definitely transferring over a Mareep to my Pearl team and then instantly breed a whole bunch of them and a whole bunch of Floatsels (since it is an otter Pokemon). I have two obsessions, now. :E

-;179; ;419;


Aw, cute :-3
Aruseus. The idea of a Pokegod interests me. Goukazaru, as it is...well, an awesome-looking monkey with fire attacks and it's my one of my friend's favorite. Right now, I'm obsessing over Celebi because I'm getting it. I once had an obsession over Silver, the baby Lugia. I still like him. And one time, I was VERY obsessed over Blaziken. I obsess over a lot of Pokemon.