Squirtle, I mean, Ash's Squirtle fought fires and such, but May's was a Baby and knew Ice beam.. Oo... Not much to say their..
Starmie, like said.. Misty's Staryu kicks serious ***, but her Starmie sucked in all battles.. Like said, some Pokemon are better off without evolving, and yet, Starmie in the game was teh whole reason why I ended up staying all night... Trying to defeat the stupid thing with my Ivysaur when I bought Pokemon LeafGreen.
Meowth, Team Rocket's Meowth sucks in the anime, only knows three attacks from what I know of.. Scratch, Fury Swipes, Bite, but lasted for how many was it... 11 seasons? 12? I dunno. But in the game he turned out to be one of my best Pokemon.. Thus, making him my Offical first Pokemon when I restarted Ruby version as an egg... (Yes, that is possible.. Just catch a Pokemon right away and trade your whatever you picked from Birch's Pokemon for an eggy.)
Wobbufeut.. I Wuv U... [/Bad grammar] Like said before, he's basically their to be used as a bad joke.. But he's pretty damn awsome when used right.. (I killed a haunter once, since for some reason, counter wasn't working for me, nor Mirror coat, but Destiny bound killed them both =D)