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what pokemon did the anime make look bad?


I Crush Everything
Here's one of my old threads, which I liked so much I've decided to start again. Which pokemon did the anime make look bad? As in which pokemon had undeserved losses, and were basically portrayed as really weak?

*expects a lot of talk of starmie*


Scuffle of Legends
haha come to think of it, I remember being like, "that pokemon was so much better in the game!", but now i can not remember who :p.

water types rule

Well-Known Member
Well definitly Starmie as you mentioned. Also Weezing. All it ever really did was make a Smokescreen, but in reality Weezing's pretty good.

Pokemon Fan

Knuckle Trainer
Well there are quite few pokemon the anime has made look bad at this point, but there are certainly pokemon that are showcased too often as well as others that don't get to be in real battles or have episodes with good animation.

Rapidash and Ninetales fall into this category. Rapidash has had some good appearences in episodes and movies animation wise, but it and Ponyta have yet to appear in a long (as in using more than one attack) battle, let alone a well animated one. Ninetales has had a number of battles, but none were all that good, while it has had very little in the way of episodes giving it good animation, that one with the 200 year old Ninetales being the closest. Too often Ninetales simply stand there if they are in an episode, since they are somewhat harder to draw moving than most pokemon I assume.

Milotic may count as well, simply because while it does look nice enough, the anime has yet to give it a suitable full-body movement scene that it has given several times to Gyarados. Instead all we get is a well done tail or head/neck movement, with the rest of it stationary or hidden.

Blaze Dragon

T3h Blazing Ranger!
Wobbuffet. It was degraded from an Uber to a comedy relief.
Imagine if it wasn´t, Team Rocket would have catched Pikachu on Johto! (If they learned that Electric attacks have to be Mirror Coated, not Countered)
Also Starmie, come on! It is the evolved form of Staryu, yet still, it was always weaker than it´s pre-evolution!


Well-Known Member
Charmealeon and Charizard for being arrogant jerks. And Primape for being to wild and roudy. Paris for being so weak. Meowth because he is a weak villain. Heh.

Leon Phelps

Don't Tread on Me
All of the Pokemon for the anime sucking so hard.


May's Teenage Mutant Ninja Squirtle. I hate that thing. It even makes Ash's look bad, with its Deus Ex Machina skillz. I won't mention obscurities like Starmie who only get a few appearences.


Yeah, ok!
Starmie was pathetic in the anime, especially Misty's. Why the heck couldn't that thing put up a decent battle?

The fact that we only ever saw Rudy's Starmie in a battle wasn't that much a saving grace.

Emo Saria

Be my Penguin <3
Squirtle, I mean, Ash's Squirtle fought fires and such, but May's was a Baby and knew Ice beam.. Oo... Not much to say their..
Starmie, like said.. Misty's Staryu kicks serious ***, but her Starmie sucked in all battles.. Like said, some Pokemon are better off without evolving, and yet, Starmie in the game was teh whole reason why I ended up staying all night... Trying to defeat the stupid thing with my Ivysaur when I bought Pokemon LeafGreen.
Meowth, Team Rocket's Meowth sucks in the anime, only knows three attacks from what I know of.. Scratch, Fury Swipes, Bite, but lasted for how many was it... 11 seasons? 12? I dunno. But in the game he turned out to be one of my best Pokemon.. Thus, making him my Offical first Pokemon when I restarted Ruby version as an egg... (Yes, that is possible.. Just catch a Pokemon right away and trade your whatever you picked from Birch's Pokemon for an eggy.)
Wobbufeut.. I Wuv U... [/Bad grammar] Like said before, he's basically their to be used as a bad joke.. But he's pretty damn awsome when used right.. (I killed a haunter once, since for some reason, counter wasn't working for me, nor Mirror coat, but Destiny bound killed them both =D)

Pokemon Fan

Knuckle Trainer
Charmealeon and Charizard for being arrogant jerks.
Uh, that was a long time ago. Charizard (and to an extent Charmeleon) are very well shown in the anime (usually), indeed shown too well and too often according to some fans.

And Primape for being to wild and roudy.
Primeape are supposed to be like that...

Meowth because he is a weak villain. Heh.
The Meowth in boots and that hero Meowth from the first series pretty much make Meowths better represented in the anime than a number of pokemon. Perhaps too well represented.

CaptainBrain said:
Seviper: For making it look like it is useless in battle.
Untrue, TR's Seviper has doen well in several battles while Lucy's Seviper recently showcased what a well-trained Seviper can do.

I thought this topic was supposed to be about pokemon that the whole anime has made look bad?

Cacnea: That cacti like hugging people.
And how does a running gag make a pokemon look bad? Let alone one that makes it out to be friendly and affectionate?

ulta-lucario said:
sup yea munchlax got close to nothing at all
You shouldn't make such blanket statements if you don't even know how much a pokemon has been used. Munchlax gets to be in a number of big upcoming battles.
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Izit cuz I is black?
I think that Cacturne has been screwed over quite a bit. In fact, all of Harley's pokemon except Octillery have been majorly humiliated at some point by May.


Weaville Pwns
Meowth can be good, but its just a pathetic pokemon in a anime. The only move he knows is scratch



Contaminated KFC
Concerning Meowth, too many people seem to completely forget that he has had the largest amount of personallity development compared to pretty much every other pokémon to be featured on the show. So what if he doesn't know how to battle properly? That's irrelivent when you take into account how he's a deeper character than Ash.

Besides, as Pokemon Fan pointed out; Meowth in Boots more than made up for any embarrassing scuffles Team Rocket's feline may have had.

The same goes for Wobbuffet actually. He's a great character, with a rather bizzare personallity that is anything but negative. Just because it rarely battles doesn't mean the animé has made it look like crap. Besides, when he does battle, he usually gives the opponent a run for their money.

Shiny Bashamo

Isn't it cute ^^
Dustox, Jessie's Dustox always lost to May's Beautyfly, While in the games Dustox wins because of type advantage. ( I once had a lvl. 50 beautyfly against a lvl. 35 Dustox and I lost)
