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What pokemon has the best special defense


shinypidgeot trainer
I would really like to know since i want to use that pokemon for the battle frontier


The useable Pokemon with a base Sp. Def stat over 100 are Blastoise (105), Tentacruel (120), Hypno (115), Hitmonchan (110), Hitmonlee (110), Mr. Mime (120), Flareon (110), Snorlax (110), Articuno (125), Umbreon (130), Slowking (110), Hitmontop (110), Blissey (135), Suicune (115), Gardevoir (115), Claydol (120), Cradily (107), Milotic (125), Dusclops (130), Regice (200), Registeel (150), Latias (130), and Latios (110).


Well-Known Member
SHuckle has the best Defense and Special Defense in the game,due to lack of HP and Attack it doesn't get the name it should get.


I "forgot" him intentionally, because I was only listing the useable Pokes that had good Sp. Def. Imo, Shuckle is pretty worthless and doesn't quite make the cut for "useable."


Shuckle is a terrible Pokemon.

Ludicolo is a meh special wall.

Regice, Blissey and Latias are my personal favourites.


Well-Known Member
Blissey, with high hp and sp.def,its the best sp.def tank,and explosions(I heard from smogon) can have trouble killing it if its hp and defense are maxed out


i have a SHuckle and it wins 9 times out of 10...
shuckle is a very useful pkmn if you know how to use it....;026;


Well-Known Member
Shuckle offcourse. But if you want a strong pokemon with high sp.d, I think you should go with Regice.


Psychic Trainer
shuckle..... if only they gave him an evo.
If it got base 100 HP, it would still be pretty crap.
It wouldn't die, but it would still not be able to do anything to the likes of Metagross.