On my first time taking the personality quiz, I got Psyduck. I threw my SP against the wall and smashed it to pieces. >8(
Okay, so I'm lying. =P Actually, when I got Psyduck I switched the power off and back on because the game lacks an auto-reset button. After a couple more tries, I got Machop, a Poké I thought I would be more satisfied with.....until I got the crap beaten out of me by female Nidorans in Thunderwave Cave. @_@
I then went with Totodile for a while, until I realized via the official website that Toto's not good unless you use TMs on it, and realizing the severe lack of good Water TMs, I tried again and settled with Pikachu because I couldn't get the Meowth I wanted. I played as Pika for a while, then decided to try the quiz again, this time relying on a FAQ and hoping that I'd get favorable questions for the Quirky type.....I GOT THE MEOWTH! With Torchic as my partner, I managed to make it through the game and have the credits roll. However, after a while I was losing interest in my current teammates, even though I could swap them out at will now.
Anyway, I restarted again and now I have a team of Cyndaquil and Chikorita. I'm much more pleased with this team than my past ones. =D