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What pokemon were you in MD?

Were you happy with your MD result?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 84.2%
  • No

    Votes: 1 5.3%
  • I just chose random questions/picked questions to become a certan pokemon

    Votes: 2 10.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Teh Terror of ze Sea
Post the pokemon and personality you got here!

I was a totodile ^^ odd though I hardly seem to have a cheerful personality... ;158;


Contaminated KFC
what's a mizugorou?
A special time in a Mudkip's life....

I did answer the questions honestly the first time around, which resulted in Cyndaquil. And while I do love Cyndaquil, I just couldn't play the game without becoming a Torchic, and making my quest to play as a Combusken all the more easier.
So, Torchic was my pokémon of choice.


I became a Pikachu with my partner a Cindaquil now a Quilava.


I became a Pikachu with my partner a Cindaquil now a Quilava.


Oops, sorry I double posted.

Lava Striker

Beginning Trainer
Now you triple posted!! BTW its called the edit button

Whats MD? If its a website then can you give me a link to it?
the first time i awnsered the questions honestly.... and got psyduck, but the darn thing is so ugly i wouldn't be able to stand it the whole game, so i tried agian awnsering the questions honestly, and got squirtle. thats what started my love for squirtle <3

Valoc Darkmyre

Steel Type Hunter
On my first time taking the personality quiz, I got Psyduck. I threw my SP against the wall and smashed it to pieces. >8(

Okay, so I'm lying. =P Actually, when I got Psyduck I switched the power off and back on because the game lacks an auto-reset button. After a couple more tries, I got Machop, a Poké I thought I would be more satisfied with.....until I got the crap beaten out of me by female Nidorans in Thunderwave Cave. @_@

I then went with Totodile for a while, until I realized via the official website that Toto's not good unless you use TMs on it, and realizing the severe lack of good Water TMs, I tried again and settled with Pikachu because I couldn't get the Meowth I wanted. I played as Pika for a while, then decided to try the quiz again, this time relying on a FAQ and hoping that I'd get favorable questions for the Quirky type.....I GOT THE MEOWTH! With Torchic as my partner, I managed to make it through the game and have the credits roll. However, after a while I was losing interest in my current teammates, even though I could swap them out at will now.

Anyway, I restarted again and now I have a team of Cyndaquil and Chikorita. I'm much more pleased with this team than my past ones. =D


Well-Known Member
Once upon a time:
A young boy got Machop as his first pokemon, he didn't like it,he restarted it, he got a Charmander, and lived hapily ever after, the end.