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What Pokemon would you add to the Galar pokedex?


  1. No Starter Pokemon (except the Bulbasaur and Squirtle lines), Fossils or Legendaries/Mythicals/Ultra Beasts from past gens
  2. You can buff said pokemon you're bring back if you want to like giving it a new ability and move they would've benefit from
I would add (and buff) the following:
Wigglytuff (to buff the puff or tuff i should say, buff its sp. def to 70 and def to 75 and give it Boomburst and Life Dew)
Electivire (but to make him viable, give him Iron Fist ability, Bullet Punch, Drain Punch, Close Combat, Darkest Lariat and maybe Stone Edge)
Magmortar (but to make him viable, give him Sheer Force ability, Earth Power, Dark Pulse and for a bonus, Aura Sphere)
Ampharos (but to make it viable, give it Tail Glow, Energy Ball, Flash Cannon and maybe Flamethrower)
Yanmega (give it Hurricane and maybe Focus Blast)
Granbull (but to make it viable, 10+ in def and 20+ in sp. def and give it Psychic Fangs)
Ursaring (but to make it viable, boost it 10+ in both defenses and give it Darkest Lariat)
Exploud (boost 10+ in its spe and give it Psychic Fangs as well as Punk Rock ability)
Aggron (to make it viable, the only possible thing we can do here is replace Heavy Metal with Solid Rock/Filter and give it Body Press)
Luxray (to make it viable, switch its 95 sp. atk and 70 spe (as much of a pipe dream it may sound), replace Rivalry with Tough Claws, buff the elemental fangs to 75BP which would benefit alot of pokemon, and give it Psychic Fangs and Play Rough, as well as the ideal Electric-type equivalent of Dragon Dance, Electivire would have it too)
Stoutland (said buffed elemental fangs to 75BP and give it Sword Dance)
Lilligant (give her Life Dew, Dazzling Gleam, Shadow Ball, and Weather Ball)
Krookodile (it gets Dragon Dance and maybe Close Combat)
Eelektross (gets Liquidation, Surf and Leech Life)
Lycanroc (said buff elemental fangs to 75BP and give them Psychic Fangs and maybe Play Rough)

and one more thing, bring back Hidden Power and streamline it with the Type Gems
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Ghost-Type Master
There are a few that I feel would have made pretty good additions to the roster, for a number of reasons. The most obvious, of course, would be the Nido lines.

Gen I
- Nidoran (Female)
- Nidorina
- Nidoqueen
- Nidoran (Male)
- Nidorino
- Nidoking
- Venonat
- Venomoth
- Psyduck
- Golduck
- Slowpoke
- Slowbro
- Seel
- Dewgong
- Horsea
- Seadra
- Jynx
- Porygon

Gen II
- Ledbya
- Ledian
- Hopip
- Skiploom
- Jumpluff
- Murkrow
- Dunsparce (Gigantamax)
- Slowking
- Kingdra (Gigantamax)
- Porygon2
- Smoochum

- Whismur
- Loudred
- Exploud (Gigantamax)
- Nosepass
- Skitty
- Delcatty
- Spoink
- Grumpig
- Swablu
- Altaria
- Castform
- Luvdisc
- Relicanth

Gen IV
- Kricketot
- Kricketune (Gigantamax)
- Burmy
- Wormadam
- Mothim
- Honchkrow
- Glameow
- Purugly
- Porygon-Z
- Probopass

Gen V
- Lillipup
- Herdier
- Stoutland
- Sewaddle
- Swadloon
- Leavanny (Gigantamax)
- Ducklett
- Swanna
- Cryogonal
- Larvesta
- Volcarona

Gen VI
- Fletchling
- Fletchinder
- Talonflame
- Carbink

- Sandygast
- Pallosand
- Minior (Gigantamax)

Okay, but like, in all seriousness. How the hell did NO ONE in Team Yell have an Exploud? Sounds terrifyingly obvious, don't you think?


Lover of underrated characters
Lycanroc and Luxray. The only (non-starter/mythical/legend)favorites of mine missing. Luxray I can understand, DP remakes.... but Lycanroc's a popular one and left out with no reasonable explanation


Nidoking, Nidoqueen, Rentorar (Luxray), and Gablias (Garchomp) are the first ones that come to mind. I'm a huge fan of those Pokemon, especially Rentorar, so I was disappointed when I learned that they didn't make the cut and were expunged by Masuda's purge.


Well-Known Member
I think I'd rather wait for a Sword/Shield remake, if it comes the next year. Galar has no haunted houses, pretty sure they could expand on it and put it more islands that weren't accessible.


Salingerian Phony
I'm kind of surprised they didn't have the Snubbull or Lillipup lines in there, considering they're based on dog breeds originating in the UK.


You! Me! Rivals! Yes?
- Skiddo/Gogoat, they'd be a good fit for the Wild Area, I can just picture Gogoat galloping around the Rolling Fields while that epic bagpipe tune plays.
- Fletchling/Fletchinder/Talonflame, in the very first announcement trailer for Sword and Shield they showed a Fletchling-shaped weather vane on a roof, and the UK has both robins and falcons, so the Fletchling family would've been perfect for Galar. I'm surprised they didn't make it in (yet Passimian and Oranguru did?).
- Rattata/Raticate, to give you that authentic city feel, the larger cities such as Hammerlocke and Wyndon could've had bins where wild Rattatas and Raticates (Trubbish too I suppose) can jump out to battle you, like an urban equivalent of Skwovet and Greedent in the berry trees. What's an urban area without rats after all?
- Deerling/Sawsbuck, they really could've taken advantage of Sawsbuck's gimmick (Castform too I suppose) by having each of its forms only appear during certain weather conditions in the Wild Area. Opportunity wasted.


Well-Known Member
For me the ones I think would be my priorities to add

Any pokemon which has an Alolan Form but is not currently in the game, Raticate, Golem, Marowak, Exeggutor, Sandslash and Muk(and their pre-evolutions).- I think the ability to bring these pokemon over helps pokemon home feel more like a bridge. I'd have the base forms in the game and have the ability to transfer to the Alolan forms coming later. Also those Pokemon are all ones I think could be fit into the region without feeling overpowered.

Ducklett and Swanna- How did a Swan Pokemon not make the UK inspired region?

Slugma and Marcargo- Honestly thanks to seeing all the paintings with snails fighting knights I'd want this one here. Probably give it a regional form. (I'm aware escavlier kinda does this but I think Marcargo suits as well)

Litleo and Pyroar- Lions are used in the royal coat of arms and other similar motifs.

Drowzee and Hypno- Another one i'd give to a regional form to as I think its got a design you could do a lot with. (though to be fair I am biased on this one)

Cosplay Pikachu and Spiky eared Pichu- Think you could do something interesting with these two special variants with regards to Gigantamax.


Well-Known Member
The Psyduck line because I've always thought that Psyduck was one of the most memorable Pokemon from Kanto because of the cartoon.

Also I'd add Horsea's line just because I really like Kingdra. ^o^


Back when Tigers used to smoke.
I think I'd rather wait for a Sword/Shield remake, if it comes the next year. Galar has no haunted houses, pretty sure they could expand on it and put it more islands that weren't accessible.
They have a ghost side-story and a spooky forest but now that you mentioned it, the fact that there is no haunted anything is annoying. You got all these empty inaccessible buildings in these "big" cities that could be perfect as a haunted warehouse, haunted hospital, haunted cathedral, haunted university etc.


You! Me! Rivals! Yes?
The Psyduck line because I've always thought that Psyduck was one of the most memorable Pokemon from Kanto because of the cartoon.

Also I'd add Horsea's line just because I really like Kingdra. ^o^
I remember hearing that until Gen VIII Psyduck was one of the few Pokemon to be in every main series game since the very beginning, Zubat being another, but Sword and Shield has stopped that trend by cutting them.


SerenaRulez said:
The Psyduck line because I've always thought that Psyduck was one of the most memorable Pokemon from Kanto because of the cartoon.

Also I'd add Horsea's line just because I really like Kingdra. ^o^

I actually agree regarding Koduck (Psyduck) since I also assumed that it was one of those mainstay species that we'd see in every major game in the franchise, so the fact that its evolutionary line was cut this time surprised me. Same with Zubat's line.