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What pokemon would you be able to have?


Internet Overlord
Think about it realistically, where you live, where you have been, what pokemon would you likely have in reality?

of course skitty, meowth, and poochyena might be common pets, but what else would you be able to get...

All sorts of bug pokemon, rattata, poliwag (we got aome land with water, trees, and tall grass, and chickens, yes we have chickens, they are so less magical when you acturally have them.)
magicarp (lake nearby)
pigey (visit the city most days, pigeons)
Zubat (some little bats live around here)
Gastly (I like to visit haunted places)

and maybe corsola (from hawaii) or snowrunt (canada/alaska)

in the typical english countryside with the river thames and a blooming great forest at my door, the sea only a few miles down the road?

Hoppip, Marshtomp, Breloom are 3 I'd want~
I'd go to london to find a castform xD


Well-Known Member
There would be all kinds of Grass Pokémon where I live as I live in the Agricultural capitol of the world... but other than them, all of the common early-game Poke's, maybe some Ground-types.



Who can say?
Well, a lot of cats and dogs...

My city is on the coast so:
Wingull and various fish pokemon. As well as Krabby/Corphish. Maybe a few other sealife pokemon... Shellder, Staryu...

However there is also Moorland so:
Mareep, Ponyta, Miltank/Tauros (not wild but live on moor).

Vulpix, Mimiroru, Taillow (at the right time a year I see a lot of Swallows)
Other birds like Pidgey (also in city), Mukkuru, Spearow, Hoot Hoot, Murkrow.
Pachirisu, Butterfly/Moth/Bee pokemon, Ledyba, Spinarak, Shroomish, Hoppip.
The occasional snake....

I'm sure there would be a few Rattata around...

Eclipsed soul

Houndour Trainer
D:< Instead of having all these deer around the parts I live in, we'd have a WHOLE bunch of Stantler running around.

We'd also probably have Vulpix, since we do have some fox around here too.

Being in the garden state, Mitsuhoney, beedril, ect. would all be pretty common.

Pachirisu would also be another extremely common pokemon we would have, because the woods always has a lot of squirrels running around.

The bird Pokemon would all be common, for whatever reason.

Gregguru, Sukapuu, and their evovled forms would be uncommon. Especially because you usually smell skunk at least once a month D:

In the summer months, Grass Pokemon would probably love it here. In the winter months, Yukikaburi would be pretty common.

Mimimoru would also be common.

Arbok would be rare, because we do have some cobra I think around here. VERY VERY rare though, because they are almost extinct.

That's just to name a few xD I have to poof for school now otherwise I'd continue listing.


Well, urban areas. Squirrels, birds, rats, bugs. Take a car and head south for 20 minutes to find cows and other farm type animals.

The most common would probably be a bug or a bird, like Pidgey, Butterfree or Taillow.

Dragon Champion

Smogon sucks.
In where I live, I'll find Bug-type Pokémon, some Grass-type Pokémon, Rattata, Pidgey, Skitty, Meowth, Houndour, Growlithe and Kangaskhan.

Twilit Dragoon

*omnious thunderstorm*
You would probably find Eevee, Vulpix, Growlithe, all bird Pokemon, Stantler, Skitty, Meowth, any dog-like or cat-like Pokemon, maybe more where I'm from.


Well-Known Member
Minomucchi, Yanma, and Charmander at my cabin in Manitoba, but Calgary would have boring stuff like Porygon, Porygon2, PorygonZ, and Castform.


Well-Known Member
Pidey, taillow, yea, you get the point. murkrow tooo!!!!!!!! ^-^


Hmmm...I live in sunny California, so we would have a variety of pokemon.
Ocean and Rivers/Creeks/etc: Pretty much any water type.
Silicon Valley: Metagross line, Porygon line.
There are a bunch of others, but I am drawing a blank. I might post later.


Well-Known Member
Mew, Skitty, Poochyena, Mightyena, Mewoth, Persian, Delcatty...
Of course it doesn't really matter what pokemon can be specific "pokepets", any pokemon would be fine.

Yay! New rank!!!


Urban area so:

All bird pokemon
Bug pokemon


Woopercrack <3
Let's see... I live in Vermont, so obviously we'd have some Tauros and Milktank. We'd also have a booming population of Stantler...
Definitely a ton of Pachirisu, some Vulpix as I've had the luck of seeing several foxes at twilight near my house... Teddiursa and Ursaring, too. I know there ARE bears, just not sure of the type.

Then there's the obviously common things, like Magikarp, Pidgey, Murkrow... Maybe some Wooper and Poliwag for good measure.

Man, I'm going to have some strange dreams tonight. :D