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What pokemon would you make if you were given the chance?

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Cyper King
We all know that pokemon are based on reality, like animals/objects e.g Pikachu is based on a mouse,;025;, and camerupt is based on a volcano,;323;. Now, imagine that you were given a chance to create a new pokemon for shinou or maybe hoenn? What colour would it be? What type would it be? What is its name!? The point of this thread is to let people set their ideas of a new pokemon free!

Heres is an example of the layout of you can use (Note: This CAN be used but feel free to put it a different way, maybe even add a new catagory and the pokemon can be anything like an event pokemon or legendry)

Name: Narost
Colour: Icey blue with dark blue splodges and an electrode type face + smile. And a horn of ice.
Type: Ice/Water
Based from: Narwhale
Obtained: by trading a wailmer with a nevermeltice.
Class: Rare

So please give your ideas...
-Thank You!


Cyper King
Maybe so, but wat one would use use if nintendo asked you to give them on?


Well-Known Member
Name: Psiren (Pronounced as "Siren")
Color: Purplish feathers, golden claws/beak
Type: Psychic/Flying
Ability: Siren's Song - Pokemon of the opposite gender become infatuated with Psiren when brought into battle.
Based off of: Sirens/Harpies. (But obviously being a pokemon, it's more birdlike than humanlike. In fact, the only human quality is a human body shape).
Obtained: Beating main game and performing side quests (Much like the Regis)
Class: One-off

It ranks with Latias with being a legendary with a gender, and Psiren is female. Man.. I haven't thought of her in a while.. xD
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Supreme Golden Ho-oH

Well-Known Member
Name: Goldkarp
Colour: Golden all over.
Ability: Gold Scales - all damage is reduced to half
Type: Water/Gold
Based from: Karp
Obtained: Give Magikarp a Golden Scale and trade it
Class: Very Rare

Name: Goldeon
Colour: Gold all over, and just like eevee but with an umbreon-like head.
Ability: Great Wonder - Not affected by normal-type attacks, super-effective hits, and critical hits.
Type: Gold
Based from: nothing..basically an eevee evolution..
Obtained: Give eevee a nugget and take her to Bill's house and talk to Bill.

Name: Obliveon
Colour: Just like eevee, but white, with 3 long tails, with Vaporeon-like eyes, and always levitating.
Ability: Supreme Wonder: Opponent automatically faints if it's a normal-type. Also is unnafected by any normal attacks, super-efective hits and critical hits.
Type - ???
Based from - nothing, its also an eevee evolution
Obtained - Give the Grand Miracle Stone to your eevee and then take her to the the top of Navel Rock.
Class - Only one, since there is also only one Grand Miracle Stone.

One of these, I can't decide which, but I sincerely think I would use Oblivion.


Well-Known Member
One of the Pokémon I created and my favorite is one based on a secretary bird:
Color: White and Black, brownish legs.
Type: Fighting/Flying
Ability: Hustle/Vital Spirit
Based on: Secretary Bird
Obtained: In the wild
Class: Rare

the evolution of ditto
trade it with metal powder and it becomes

with high defence and special defence, nothing else changes though.
it still has transform, and it also has "deform", which always stays in the list after transforming, which allows it to change back into dittox


Beast King

Scion of the Wild
Dodongo, a dragon/fire type that looks a lot like King Dodongo from Zelda OOT. It would be a 3 part evolution. The interesting thing though is that the name and dragon concept of dodongo didn't originate from zelda, it has to do with some mythological dragon or something since it appears in many other games and old statues. But even though it would look similar to zelda dodongo, it wouldn't really matter since they are both owned by nintendo anyways...
Name: Suenareo
Type: Water/Grass
Appearence: Like Sharpeado in shape. But a bit thinner and greener. Less teeth. Normal eyes. And some kelp sticking out of its back
Based On: Ocean Sunfish
Ability:Chylorophyl/Swift Swim
Attacks: Bubble, Ingrain, Growl, Leer, Take Down, Water Pulse, Rain Dance, Rapid Spin, Agility, Auroa Beam, Solarbeam
One Off.
Obtained: Diving and swimming into an underwater cavern. Inside the cavern use the item Aquasun Gem and there will be an earthquake. Leave the cavern and it will slowly rise from the water.


Long time no see
I did this one YEARS AGO
Species:spitfire lion
Description;like a normal lion, bright red body, the front legs have orange ankles made of hair, mane is like a charizard's tail in colour but made from hair(obviously the female has no mane)
the tail is long, thin an has the same colour an texture tip at the end like the mane.
Pokedex description: Lavalion lives in prides but is very territorial, approach with caution. When caught they are loyal and fearless, they will protect their trainer to the death!

do u like it????????


Long time no see
OK just thort of an evolution.....
Large lion
bigger version of lavalion, the teeth are saber like, the claws are more pronounced on the front paws, made from heated rock, the mane is ALOT bigger, so is the tip of the tail(the females have no mane, but their eyes are more wild and ferocious than the male)
Pokedex description:the evolved form of lavalion, this pokemon is so ferocious entire forests have to be taped off to prevent the injury of others. Though when injured they go to strangers with open hearts for assistance

Both pokemon have assist,slash Ect from the cat types an the fire attacks from fire types.
Also this new attack
:Territorial rage: builds energy one turn then attacks for 3 turns after. Warning may confuse.


Long time no see
OK just thort of an evolution.....
Large lion
bigger version of lavalion, the teeth are saber like, the claws are more pronounced on the front paws, made from heated rock, the mane is ALOT bigger, so is the tip of the tail(the females have no mane, but their eyes are more wild and ferocious than the male)
Pokedex description:the evolved form of lavalion, this pokemon is so ferocious entire forests have to be taped off to prevent the injury of others. Though when injured they go to strangers with open hearts for assistance

Both pokemon have assist,slash Ect from the cat types an the fire attacks from fire types.
Also this new attack
:Territorial rage: builds energy one turn then attacks for 3 turns after. Warning may confuse.


Eevee Trainer
Name: Tapero
Type: Psychic
Based on: Alaskan Malamute (dog)
Obtained: in the wild (only at night)
Class: Uncommon
Description: White and grey, with males being a darker grey than the females; curled tail, vertical crescant moon on forehead; lives in caves and rundown biuldings. Doesn't trust humans easily, but is extremely loyal once befriended; loves to chase small Pokemon like Rattata and Bippa.
Ability: Intimidate/ Trace

Shiny Heracross

Well-Known Member
Name: Surenton
Color: Sky blue meteor with a an angry face and ice waves on it's back.
Type: Ice
Based From: A meteor
Obtained: Meteor Falls (Hoenn) After getting every Pokemon.
Class: Rare


Well-Known Member
Id make a diff evo of Togetic(One that doesnt look as fat)
Heaven pokemon
Obtained-Have Togetic hold Light Stone then raise it 1 more level at least above 30.
Pokedex Entry-Very rare.Said to be that if you have a case of good luck,Angeltic is within 10 miles,but bad luck is caused if attacked.
Ability-Serene Grace


Well-Known Member
Name: Satyr.
Colour: Midnight black, with long flowing Misdreavus like hair and a pair of hands that are detached from its body like a Haunter.
Type: Ghost.
Based from: Banshee, like Misdreavus.
Obtained: Trade a female Misdreavus over with the held item Siren Insense.
Class: Rare, as the Siren Insense is hard to find.

I sucked at making Pokemon up back when I did.

The Benmeister

Master of Magnet
Name: Magnemaster (with the power to go over ten letters)
Appearance: Looks like Metagross, but coloured in brown layered with steel and its face is the face of a Magneton.
Type: Ground/Steel
Based From: An odd image of a fusion of Metagross and Magneton.
Obtained: Level up Magneton with a Steel plate attached, you must also have four Beldum on your team.
Rarity: Quite rare, if you ask me.


halloween pokemon
type:ghost and dark
description:looks like huanter but with a sycth and is red orange and brown,and carrys a pumpkinin its other hand,is a little bigger than huanter
Based From:huanter,and halloween
Obtained:level up a happy huanter on halloween
abilty:huant(cuase curse on opponent,opponent cant swicth out)
rareity:somewhat rare
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