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What Rank and Level when you got Mew?


Well-Known Member
I spent all day yesterday trying to get Mew and i found it 7 times and never recruited it. I had Raikou Lv. 100(Friend Bow) and Mewtwo(I think it isn't the body size of my team), Lucario Rank, I have the friend area, I kill it with Raikou every time, and I still don't have Mew.

What Rank and level were you when you got Mew?

Sailor Merury

Butterflys rock!
Gold. At only level 61.


Dark Type Trainer
Got Mew at Diamond Rank, level 50. (With a friend bow)


Metallica xP
so i could get 1 if i got a friend bow? platinum rank lvl 60.


I was level 57, Diamond rank with the friend bow when I got Mew.

flareon tamer

Shiny hunter
Platinum rank, level 49 Eevee with a friend bow on the seconed time i seen mew.


Well-Known Member
Lucario Rank, Lv. 100

I was on floor 75 and on the message log i see "Graveler picked up 3Gravelrocks" Then I see a graveler so i kill it then it turns into mew and dies. (I get mad at myself because sometimes I don't even see Mew when i go through Buried Relic) If i knew i would've put on my Friend Bow. Then i look at the message log and it showed "Mew used Transform" then "Graveler picked up 3 Gravelrocks" right after it so it happened fast and i didnt see it. Then on floor 77(woah) I see Mew, I put on Friend Bow, and after trying for 2 days of playing for 8 hrs a day, it joins me(FINALLY).


gone through the dungeon 3 times.
never found it. so i made about 297 floors/ :]