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What season did you like more? Kanto, Orange league, Johto, or Hoenn?

Kanto, Orange league, Johto, or Hoenn? What was the best?

  • Kanto

    Votes: 40 38.8%
  • Orange league

    Votes: 8 7.8%
  • Johto

    Votes: 9 8.7%
  • Hoenn

    Votes: 46 44.7%

  • Total voters


Still believing!
Wow, I'm the first to post on this poll. I'm voting for the Orange League. Several reasons:

-Brock wasn't around to embarras himself in front of, well, every girl they met.
-Tracey was an interesting sidekick.
-Ash won it.
-Not only did he win it, he won it in a kick-*** battle with a powerfull Dragonite, and he actually used strategy (someting very rare for him).
-Pokemon 2000 took place during this season.
And last but of certainly not least:
-The incredible load of pokeshipping hints given.


I said Kanto. It was funny, had great stories for the episodes, and very unique guests. But I think that for me, Orange comes in at second for reasons stated by Pokemaniac. =)


Orange League!
For the 'hero group' of the Orange era. Yey.
Plus island hopping is a hell of a lot more interesting that being contantly lost in the woods or something.


i really love kanto,but i like johto better......so i go with johto!

onix lord

Well-Known Member
I think Hoenn was the best of the Regions. Why? Well Kanto I didn't like because Ash didn't have any experience. I thought Orange Islands were just stupid. And Johto was the second best. But I like Hoenn alot more because Ash has experience and I liked the fact that he started over new.


Volcano Trainer
It's really hard choosing between Kanto and Hoenn. I like them both a lot. I chose for Kanto, because everything was new back then, but I like Hoenn a lot too.


Gee, tough question...they're all great!
I guess I would have to say Orange Islands, only because you can see Tracey :)


I would go for Kanto! It was just too funny and I loved pratically every single episode! 2nd would be Orange Islands for the many reasons that Pokemanic stated before. ;)



Meh, it's hard to pick between Kanto and Houen, but I'd say that Houen is the best.(Seasons? That can't be right; each region is not a season, and if you're going by the dub, then Johto needs to be made into 3 parts and Houen needs to be made into 3 as well)

Rex Kamex

Well-Known Member
I like Kanto and Hoenn the same. (Not the early Hoenn, the Advanced Challenge and beyond Hoenn.) Why? Because in my opinion, Kanto makes up for what Hoenn lacks, and Hoenn makes up for what Kanto lacks. (Now I'm starting to wish that Kanto had more episodes.)

May was one of the best things in Hoenn. The St. Anne saga was one of the best things in Kanto.


Uh...Mistystar89, why the hell did you bump this thread when it's been dead for a while now? Damn, people need to start thinking before they act. --;;

Anyways, Kanto was the best, because it was first. But Hoenn is really starting to get up there as the best. The Orange Islands were horrendous, and Johto wasn't as awful as people made it seem....Well, it was, but the Johto episodes that weren't filler were great. ^_^;


So hot he's on fire.
It's just barely a month dead. o___o That's not 'awhile'.

.....I voted for Hoenn! Because Ash lost to Brawly the first time around. >3
Hoenn, hands down. It had everything Kanto tried to have, everything the Orange Islands forgot, everything Johto lacked, and then some. Plus, it had some of the most hilarious episodes in history. Watch, "Sealed the Huge Claydol," and tell me there's a funnier episode in any of the previous seasons. Plus, some episodes manage to be funny and sweet. 'True Blue Swablu' comes to mind here. Ash is an idiot there, and hilariously so, Torchic is a riot for once, while May gets some serious character development. Kanto has yet to pull that off, as far as I know(unless the banned episodes do this, in which case, I wouldn't know).

SC~ out


It's just barely a month dead. o___o That's not 'awhile'.
When threads go a month without being posted in, they're declared dead. That's a while to me...Thanks for your pointless opinion, though. --;;

Now that I think about it, I actually like Hoenn the best. Though Kanto had the highest amount of memorable episodes, Hoenn has more interesting Pokemon and characters, like May, who is better than Ash in every way. She is less pompous, and isn't an annoying (read: ignorant) b*****d.


Kanto and Houen as a good couple^^

Kanto - first generation always rules. Good plot, good characters, great pokemon. Kanto was not so dull like Johto. Ash met many great people and every episode had a special magic.

Houen - is great! Haruka is a new cool girl and her brother-Masato is funny too. I like music very much, songs are great and characters aren't babies anymore (Ash, Brock).


Because a whole bunch of cute new pokemon are seen!
And May! Yes she's my fav character!
Torchic rules.
The episodes are...Well done.