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What starter wil you pick?

Which game will you get?

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Just pick a starter and tell why.


Probably Pochama cause in FireRed I have charizard and in Emerald Sceptile, So I need a water starter
Pochama. My devotion to water types draws me to it. Besides, Enperuto is PIMPIN'!!!


Well-Known Member
Naetoru in Diamond as I love Dotaitos and Pocchama in Pearl as I don't like Hikorazu (Even though its evo is not that bad), and Emperuto is quite cool.


Well-Known Member
Hikozaru cause its the koolest followed closely by Neatle.

X the.only.trainer.ever X

Just a lil' synth
I have such mixed feelings.

I was originally going to choose Neatle because of it being a Grass type PKMN.
But now Hikozaru and Pocchama are appealing to me more and more because of their evolutions...

Actually,I may just go with the Fire Monkey this gen...
I picked Pochama in Diamond and when I get the English versions of D/P I'll get Pochama (again) and Naetle.


Who can say?
Diamond: Naetle
Pearl: Pochama (most probably)

I like all three starters, so I've made my decisions based on the other pokemon I want to use. I try not to use two pokemon of the same type if i can.
In Diamond I have other ideas for a water and fighting type, leaving me with Naetle, although I will be lacking a fire type.
Pearl, I have another idea for a grass type. I need a water type (Surf etc.) in-game so will go with Pochama.
So both teams will be lacking a fire type (I could use Ponyta but I ususally use 100% new pokemon on my first couple of play throughs).
I really like Hikozaru though...
Im getting Diamond because Diaruga is 50 times better than that ugly Parukia. Pocchama is the cutest and gets the best attacks so im going with him. Besides, I despise Hikozaru and dislike Naetle's evos.
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