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What stat do you emphasize?

Which stats are more important to you?

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
I got the idea from the Battle Dome, I've niticed that every trainer emphasizes two stats. For ex. HP and DEFENSE. What do you emphasize? I choose SPEED and SPECIAL ATTACK. Please vote.

Edit: I know it is different for every pokemon, but a lot of people have favorites. I chose sp.a and speed because I like sweepers more then other pokemon.
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All of them, but I like Sp.Att, and Sp.DEF


I said, Bring It ON!
i'd say the pokemon's offensive stat (scizor=atk, starmie=sp.atk), speed, and then, if i have extra EV, i give it to hp


Well-Known Member
i hate defense, even though you need it, thats why ive never trained a shuckle or any other pure defense pokemon, it would get on my nerves even though im the one using it.
HP, Def,S.Def, and Speed.


Shine Now!
Mine is Sp.Atk and Atk and speed cause I'm challanging my friend in a match


Well-Known Member
Mine is Sp.Atk and Atk and speed cause I'm challanging my friend in a match

I did the exact same thing. I was killing my friend's pokemon until he got smart enough to use tanks against my sweepers. I was so stuborn and did not want to change my strategy, then he chalenged me for a match. If I loose, he gets my mewtwo (the strongest member of my team at that time) and if he looses I get his shinys. I was dumb enough to eccept, without changing my team. Guess who won.. I got creamed >_< Oh man that mewtwo was everything to me :(.

Anyways, my point is be careful with your sweepers.

The Wobbuffet

Broken Type Pokemon
I try to emphasize speed and attack. In my opinion, it's offense over defense.

Or, as a great Magic: the Gathering player once put it, "There are no wrong threats, only wrong answers."


Well-Known Member
This is a nice poll. I chose Special Attack, because all of my favorite types are Special. Although I don't understand the whole "EV" thing, I still try to battle as many Spinda's as I can.


Good at Life.
I like to emphasize Speed. Always.

The way I see it is, if you can kill them before they kill you, you don't have much need for HP, defense, or SDefense.

If you get hit first, your Attack or SAttact probably isn't going to matter because they get a 2nd hit in before you get your second hit in .. and that's assuming you live through the first one.

But someone once said .. "Avoid hitting if it is honorably possible. But if you must hit, never hit soft."

So the remaining Ev goes into either Attack or SAttack :)