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What sucked about your pokemon life?


is back.
for me i was thinking up this thread when i was thinking of going to the TRU Mew event and seeing that the toysRus was closed, Darn... Then, that same minute. a shiny geodude appeared, i was saying yes! in my head, but then, it self-destructed...Double letdown Losing Mew and Shiny Geodude...
the shiny geodude happened yesterday
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Well-Known Member
For me its that there are no real pokefans around. They are all n00bs, they only like the show. I have some friends that play pokemon but dont like it as much.


is back.
i cant use pokemon as coversation starter anymore... unless they start, i slooowllly reveal to them that i like pokemn


Hollow Your Prayers
dude when d/p come out im giving away free shiny pokemon and deoxys and stuff im genorus and have a action replay

"yeh i rule i got action replay gba and ds!!!"
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YOUR best friend
They were giving out Deoxys in my country last year... and they never came to a city close to where I live... EVEN THOUGH THEY SAID THEY WOULD!! *desperately fights back tears*


the worst thing about my life is that everyone thinks i am childish becuse i like pokemon sonic and yugioh. Also i am not allowed to have a girlfriend because i am 12 or thats what my mum says
the worst thing about my life is that everyone thinks i am childish becuse i like pokemon sonic and yugioh. Also i am not allowed to have a girlfriend because i am 12 or thats what my mum says

Dude, you are only 12, you don't need a girlfriend.

About me... well, I can't buy pokemon stuff (toys) because pokemon isn't popular in my country anymore. I can buy only games, TGC cards and ... that's it. No plushies :(


i want to have a girlfriend and also in England you can have a Girlfriend when you are twelve


Our Lady of Sorrows
Around where I live, no one my age likes pokemon, so it's hard to find people to talk about it with :3
I was always the wierd one who knew too much about pokemon. Also, I never knew what "release pokemon" meant the first time I played red version. Bye bye Eevee. I miss that pokemon


No one really likes it at my school, but no one really hates it either. They think it's pretty cool, but they know it wasn't as popular as it used to be. I'm probably the only one in the school that likes pokemon extensively. There's another kid that likes it too, but I don't really like talking to him much; he uses his Action Replay WAY too much on his pokemon games.

My brother thinks he's sort of a loser too; my bro said that he always brags about all the shiny pokemon he got through his AR. There's no bragging rights when you get a shiny through AR.....


No one of my friends looks at Pokémon. They think it's childish too. I only know one friend of me that liked Pokémon before in the year 2000/2001. But shhh... No one knows it of mine but only one that makes fun of it against me.

That from my brother he thinks that it's childish too. Insults the name like 'Shitmon' or 'Peemon':(. Or saying "You could be better buy a better videogame than that." But it's more fun talk. C'mon, he has liked Pokémon too when it cames to Belgium the first time.:( *shrugs*
No one at my school likes pokemon they all think its stupid. now I have to hide that I like it. (sobs uncontrolably) I can only get the games now.

I'm the same here. Most of my friends think that pokemon is gay so I have to hide that I like it.

And that there is never any events near where I live :(


New Member
yeah i have a couple of friends that stil like pokemon such as i but it gets boaring pkmn cand batteling the same people over and over again even if we are still a challenge to each other


Tails the Bouyzel
I could not go to toyRus on the Mew day cause I had a tiny cold... And no Friggin place near me EVER Had EVENTS WITH THE LEGENDS!!!! The closest was Philadelphia... ._. And... I lost my Sapphire with my Jirachi on it... -_-;