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What the puck?!

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Dom Miroku

Active Member
So, earlier today I started a Farfetch'd discussion thread. I added some poll options, gave my opinions, and even provided some fan art. Next thing I know, BAM, it's freaking closed and now I'm quite angry. You know, I could've at least gotten a pm for their reasoning, but no, somebody was PMSing all over my thread. Total bull, I know.

So I'll bring my topic over here, where hopefully it will get noticed. What are your opinions of the REAL pimp of pokemon, Farfetch'd. i've got a level 100 one that I easily slap around the pansys of the elite four with, but I always hear how much it sucks. What makes the ignorant masses think that, HUH? Show a little respect to the best pokemon ever. Farfetch'd owns us all.

Here's my fanart, it totally friggin rules, so enjoy it.
Farfetchd' will always be a mediocre pokemon my friend. And what's up with the thread topic? "What the puck?!" Is that like a Canadian thing or something?


Well-Known Member
the fan art is okay..... but that aient no pimp. Wheres the purple have and robe. He already has the cane
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Dom Miroku

Active Member
Yes, you know why? Because hockey is the best damn sport in the world and the rednecks below us can continue playing their football, but that;s not part of this discussion.

Just to let you know, pikachu sucks EGGS compared to Farfetch'd. That may make you cry, seeing as how your his "female dog" but I'm here to tell the the truth. The damn truth.

Edit: That was to pikachus *****, not the guy above me. The guy above me is coolio.


Lol, Farfetched is a funny Pokemon. They could have made Stick a better item or at least given it an evolution, IMO.


Jinchuuriki Hunter

Johto Champion Ninja
I believe I might know why your thread was closed.

It was pointless.

Don't get me wrong, I like Farfetch'd too. But if you want to let people know he rules, use your sig.
Yes, you know why? Because hockey is the best damn sport in the world and the rednecks below us can continue playing their football, but that;s not part of this discussion.
Atleast we know how to throw a punch. When was the last time you ever saw a Canadian fight? Aside from Chris Benoit(who is really a Georgian), the Canadians are only known for hitting a puck with a freaking stick. Don't insult my proud country ever again you fanboy!

Dom Miroku

Active Member

Please, let's continue with the farfetch'd discussion, if this gets closed becuz of noobs then I will have the fire of a thousand wayward suns in my anger.

The question at hand is, wouldn't it be awesome if Ash caught a Farfetc'd in Diamond/Pearl and used a new attack called pimp slap to beat Hikari in a battle. Oh yes. Oh God yes.

Black Widow

Well-Known Member
In case you hadn't noticed, there is a Fan-Art section on the board. Use it. And take that blob of shit you call art with you. I'm personally tired of seeing crap like this around here. If you want to have a civilized discussion about Farfeth'd I'd be happy to do so, if you had started the thread right.
Nice concept pal. I betcha your mom thought of that one.

By the way, I can tell by your tastes that you have no idea what a good show is. What do you watch? Crap like Megaman and Digimon?

Dom Miroku

Active Member

Please, somebody answer my question that I asked previously. What would happen if ash caught Farfetch'd at this time in the anime.

btw, my favorite show are Samurai Seven and Metalcolapyse
OmG...Chris is missing all the action.
That equals this thread nicely.

Samurai Seven? Nice. I guess you are the stereotypical fanboy. maybe you should be pikachu's b*tch.

You see, I watch good shows. Shows like Pokemon Kanto, DBZ, Camp Lazlo, and Rave Master.

And what would happen if Ash caught Farfetchd'? The ratings would be so bad, the show would be cancelled and put out of production in Japan.


Prepare Yourself

Please, let's continue with the farfetch'd discussion, if this gets closed becuz of noobs then I will have the fire of a thousand wayward suns in my anger. .

Such a n00b sentence right there you farfetch freak and dont steal lines from T.V. Shows you should know better than that!

The question at hand is, wouldn't it be awesome if Ash caught a Farfetc'd in Diamond/Pearl and used a new attack called pimp slap to beat Hikari in a battle. Oh yes. Oh God yes.

Get over it Farfetched is only good for eating, thats why they are near extiction, and at the end of your sentence gave me BAD IMAGES! *Hits head*

And n00bs arent gunna get this closed, you are, this is a pointless topic, you dont see me making threads for how cool Skarmory or Houndoom is now do you?


Black Widow

Well-Known Member
To answer your question...

If ash caught a Fafeth'd at this point in time, it would get it's poultry *** flattened over and over until if gave up on life and sold itself to a butcher.


Dom Miroku

Active Member
Good god. Im no noob, so I'd appreciate if the personal attacks to stop.


All I wanted to do was get some discussion going for my favorite pokemon, and people yell at me. The pimp doesn't get the respect he deserves, and I'm glad he doesn't evolve. It would ruin him. please, I don't want this closed so lets continue discussing him, and since nobody liked my previous question, I'll ask this: Who would win-Farfetch'd or Flareon? My friends and I disagree on this issue.
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