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What to do when your team looks like someone else's.

Make another one!

Weavile(M)@Choice Band
Trait: Pressure
Nature: Jolly (+ Spd - Sp. At)
EV’s: 6 HP / 252 At / 252 Spd
Stats: 282 HP / 339 At / 166 Df / 113 Sp. At / 206 Sp. Df / 383 Spd
- Pursuit
- Ice Punch
- Night Slash
- Brick Break

Trait: Serene Grace
Nature: Calm (+ Sp. Df - At)
EV’s: 232 HP / 252 Df / 6 Sp. Df / 20 Spd
Stats: 369 HP / 289 Df / 276 Sp. At / 293 Sp. Df / 201 Spd
- Wish
- Protect
- Light Screen
- Air Slash

Trait: Levitate
Nature: Calm (+Sp. Df -At)
EVs:252 HP / 176 Df / 76 Sp. Df
Stats: 444 HP / 158 At / 320 Df / 186 Sp. At / 346 Sp. Df / 206 Spd
- Rest
- Sleep Talk
- Charge Beam
- Ice Beam

Donphan(F)@Choice Band/Leftovers
Ability: Sturdy
Nature: Impish (+Df -Sp. At)
Ev’s: 252 HP / 32 At / 216 Df / 10 Spd
Stats: 384 HP / 284 At / 363 Df / 156 Sp. Df / 138 Spd
- Ice Shard
- Earthquake
- Rapid Spin
- Stealth Rock

I'm thinking I should use Leftovers, but I'm not sure. Which one do you suggest?

Ability: Levitate
Nature: Bold (+Df -At)
Ev’s: 252 HP / 252 Df / 6 Sp. Df
Stats: 334 HP /197 At. / 372 Df / 206 Sp. At / 177 Sp. Df / 156 Spd
- Thunderbolt
- Fire Blast
- Will-O-Wisp
- Pain-Split

I'm using him as a Hera/Gyara/and Weavile counter.

Salamence(M)@ Life Orb
Nature: Naughty (+At -Sp. Df)
EV’s: 6 HP / 232 At / 92 Sp. At / 176 Spd
Stats: 332 HP / 400 (520) At / 279 (362) Sp. At / 176 Sp. Df / 280 Spd
- Dragon Dance
- Dragon Claw
- Earthquake
- Hydro Pump

1,040 Attack is nothing to sneeze at especially with Stealth Rock support and a Weavile weakened team. 280 Speed to outspeed any other DDmence with ideas as they will probably have around 270. 400 attack dosen't make too much of a difference from 405 and 362 Sp. At 2HKO's Skarmory with Leftovers all the time.

This team probably looks very familiar and rightly so. However, I tweaked it a little so that it doesn't have four Pokemon in common with Exiled Sicilian's team. Also, I put in a Rapid Spinner and a Hazer, but I'll take the Hazer out if it isn't really necessary.

The strategy is simple: Use Weavile to wreak havoc on the other team, lay Stealth Rocks and use Wish to keep team healthy, Rapid Spin any remaining Rocks or Spikes away once their Rock/Spiker is gone, then finish the team off with a healthy Salamence. I'm worried about an Ice resistence right now and do have ideas to solve it, but I need to know whether the team is fine as it is right now.

I believe my team is no longer weak to anything now. All that's left is to find a way to set up Salamence better. Infernape and Metagross could work well. The problem is finding a place to put them. If anyone has a suggestion for this, please let me know.

If no one responds to this, I'll assume that it is perfect. If that is not the reason, please let me know why no one is rating this if that happens.
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Aim for the horn!
Weavile(M)@Choice Band
Trait: Pressure
Nature: Jolly (+ Spd - Sp. At)
EV’s: 6 HP / 252 At / 252 Spd
Stats: 282 HP / 339 At / 166 Df / 113 Sp. At / 206 Sp. Df / 383 Spd
- Pursuit
- Ice Punch
- Night Slash
- Brick Break

hi no1 most *****d lead

Trait: Serene Grace
Nature: Calm (+ Sp. Df - At)
EV’s: 228 HP / 252 Df / 6 Sp. Df / 24 Spd
Stats: 368 HP / 289 Df / 276 Sp. At / 393 Sp. Df / 202 Spd
- Wish
- Protect
- Light Screen
- Air Slash

I'll assume that 393 Sp Def was a typo as your spread actually gives 293 Sp Def. Don't understand the speed - if you want to outspeed the pokes that like to hang around 202 then get up to at least 203, don't bother tying with them

Trait: Levitate
Nature: Calm (+Sp. Df -At)
EVs:204 HP / 76 Df / 60 Sp. At / 164 Sp. Df / 6 Spd
Stats: 432 HP / 158 At / 295 Df / 201 Sp. At / 371 Sp. Df / 207 Spd
- Rest
- Sleep Talk
- Charge Beam/Reflect/Energy Ball
- Ice Beam

Sleep Talking Reflect multiple times is no fun at all. Charge Beam at least might raise your Sp Atk if you were looking for Ice Beam so take that. Your EVs are inefficient - max HP first, then get defences up to where you want them to be. I'll leave that bit to you.

What are the special attack EVs for? As far as I can see they achieve nothing. If you need them for something in particular then say what, otherwise just move them to defences.

I don't see that 6 EVs in speed helping you either. Again, I have no idea what you think they are for

Ability: Levitate
Nature: Careful (+Sp. Df -Sp. At)
EV’s: 172 HP / 96 At / 236 Df / 6 Spd
Stats: 304 HP / 200 At / 305 Df / 187 Spd / 158 Sp. At / 303 Sp. Df
- Stealth Rock
- Explosion
- Rapid Spin
- Earthquake

When you have a guy who can make Garchomp's life miserable, give him Ice Beam. Personally I'd go Sassy, max HP and Def, SR/Rapid Spin/Ice Beam/Explosion. This guy can never stand up to Swords Dance'd Dragon Claws so if you bring him in as Garchomp SDs you can always just boom, either KOing him or forcing him out and KOing someone else.

You can't really deal with T-tar with this guy when CBTar Crunch OHKOs you about 60+% of the time so don't try.

If you really want to use your set, again forget this max lefties crap and max HP first - you take hits better that way on pokes like this.

Ability: Levitate
Nature: Bold (+Df -At)
Ev’s: 198 HP / 252 Df / 40 Sp. At / 20 Spd
Stats: 320 HP /197 At. / 372 Df / 216 Sp. At / 176 Sp. Df / 161 Spd
- Thunderbolt
- Flamethrower
- Haze
- Pain-Split

Once again I am mystified as to what the speed EVs are for.

I would drop Haze for Willowisp as I find it more useful.

For EVs, you know the drill - max HP first. I would suggest using Fire Blast instead of Flamethrower to guarantee a 2HKO on Heracross - with Flamethrower you need to pretty much max Sp Atk to guarantee a 2HKO. Thunderbolt from 0 EVs in Sp atk is good enough for Gyara, which means you can just go 252 HP / 252 Def / 6 Sp Atk.

On a side note, I find it really amusing that I'm suggesting 252/252 spreads over your more fancy looking (but ultimately less practical IMO) ones

Salamence(M)@ Life Orb
Nature: Naughty (+At -Sp. Df)
EV’s: 6 HP / 196 At / 56 Sp. At / 252 Spd
Stats: 332 HP / 390 (507) At / 270 (351) Sp. At / 176 Sp. Df / 299 Spd
- Dragon Dance
- Dragon Claw
- Earthquake
- Hydro Pump

Huh. This looks really nice. I would consider dropping down to 270 speed and using the EVs to max attack and put the rest in Sp Atk. That extra Sp Atk will guarantee a 2HKO on Skarm with Hydro Pump, while that extra attack is always nice.

This team probably looks very familiar and rightly so. However, I tweaked it a little so that it doesn't have four Pokemon in common with Exiled Sicilian's team. Also, I put in a Rapid Spinner and a Hazer, but I'll take the Hazer out if it isn't really necessary.

The strategy is simple: Use Weavile to wreak havoc on the other team, lay Stealth Rocks and use Wish to keep team healthy, Rapid Spin any remaining Rocks or Spikes away once their Rock/Spiker is gone, then finish the team off with a healthy Salamence. I'm worried about an Ice resistence right now and do have ideas to solve it, but I need to know whether the team is fine as it is right now.

If no one responds to this, I'll assume that it is perfect. If that is not the reason, please let me know why no one is rating this if that happens.

It looks like your priority is weakening Swampert, Cresselia, Dusknoir, Weezing, Bronzong and to a lesser extent Blissey, which will leave you a clear sweep for Sally. One slight problem is that at the moment, DDtar can and will 6-0 you, as it would be fairly clinically insane to bring in Weavile on a T-tar with an unknown set.

However, I think you should focus your team more on setting up Salamence and less on countering threats. So long as you can prevent a sweep by any one threat, it won't even matter if you're down 1-6 if you can sweep from there with Sally. That would require rethinking the team quite significantly, which I'm not going to do for you, but I think that would be more productive than what you're doing now, which is basically a fairly regular team but with a very potentially deadly Salamence.

EDIT: Just realised I did some calcs wrong. Swampert is probably one of the biggest problems for your Sally, so getting rid of it should be a priority. Using Metagross and booming on it is a nice way to solve that problem.
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Speed EV's are to outspeed other pokemon of the same kind. Normally I would just go one more up, but there are other people who think like that (Fighting Master, Exiled Sicilian, etc.), so I put a little bit more into speed then normal, but if it isn't necessary, I rather put the EV's into something more useful.

I don't use Max HP all the time in order to squeeze out a few EV's for other areas. As there isn't much of a percentage difference and as far as I can see, much of an advantage to max HP rather than max Leftovers recovery, I go with the Max Leftovers recovery.

There were typos in this, sorry for that, but I didn't have time to proofread it because of server lag.

Special attack Ev's are to guarantee a 2HKO and sometimes makes it a OHKO on Salamence and friends. Also, if it was using Charge Beam, then it would be a 2HKO on Gyarados and same for Swampert if I was using Energy Ball.

Weezing, I had no idea what I was doing with it because I've never created a set for it before. So I'll change that Flamethrower to Fire Blast. Also, I'll use Will-O-Wisp as suggested unless hazing becomes necessary.

Like I said before, I did have ideas to fix this team myself to get rid of the lack of an Ice resistence (and probably DDtar weakness), but I wanted to see whether it was necessary or not.

As for the rest of the crazy EV spreads, I'll need someone else to confirm the switch on them before I do so.

I agree with you on Claydol. Actually, I forgot to put Ice Beam as an option over Earthquake.

I agree with you on needing to set up the Salamence sweep better. If no one else replies to this thread suggesting something, then I'll fix it again.

The main reason why it looks inferior to a lot of teams is because I'm trying to use Pokemon that can do "sort of" the same jobs that the Pokemon they are replacing could. It used to be made up of Sala, Weavile, Cressy, kiss, gross, and Gliscor, but it looks too similar to another team, so that's why I even bothered to change it to begin with.

Edit: I've changed the Salamence Ev's as - almost - suggested.
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Aim for the horn!
Speed EV's are to outspeed other pokemon of the same kind. Normally I would just go one more up, but there are other people who think like that (Fighting Master, Exiled Sicilian, etc.), so I put a little bit more into speed then normal, but if it isn't necessary, I rather put the EV's into something more useful.

Do you honestly think you will ever reach a point where the matchup is Weezing vs Weezing or Cressy vs Cressy? And even if it came to that, the speed difference is only relevant for the final hit to determine who gets the KO. I really don't think it's worth it

I don't use Max HP all the time in order to squeeze out a few EV's for other areas. As there isn't much of a percentage difference and as far as I can see, much of an advantage to max HP rather than max Leftovers recovery, I go with the Max Leftovers recovery.

The point is where you've left HP at max lefties recovery and then started putting EVs into defences. You actually get more mileage out of maxing the HP first in almost any scenario, and certainly for all the pokes you are using - you never gain by using the spreads you've used on these pokes instead of the max HP equivalents

There were typos in this, sorry for that, but I didn't have time to proofread it because of server lag.

Special attack Ev's are to guarantee a 2HKO and sometimes makes it a OHKO on Salamence and friends. Also, if it was using Charge Beam, then it would be a 2HKO on Gyarados and same for Swampert if I was using Energy Ball.

Cressy's Ice Beam from 186 Sp Atk (no EVs) always 2HKOs any Salamence and will always OHKO Salamence after SR damage, even with 1 turn of Lefties recovery (which most won't even have). That makes the Sp Atk EVs completely redundant for Salamence.

Charge Beam from Cressy never 2HKOs any Gyara with 201 Sp Atk (your EVs). Even if you hit a Sp Atk boost the first time, bulky Gyara will survive 2 hits 100% of the time and even the never seen max Attack and Speed Gyara will survive 50% of the time. Against 90+% of the Gyara spreads, those Sp Atk EVs will not gain at all.

I wouldn't bother with Energy Ball - Swampy has no reason to come in on Cress, Energy Ball or not

Weezing, I had no idea what I was doing with it because I've never created a set for it before. So I'll change that Flamethrower to Fire Blast. Also, I'll use Will-O-Wisp as suggested unless hazing becomes necessary.

Fair enough

Like I said before, I did have ideas to fix this team myself to get rid of the lack of an Ice resistence (and probably DDtar weakness), but I wanted to see whether it was necessary or not.

As for the rest of the crazy EV spreads, I'll need someone else to confirm the switch on them before I do so.

Again, fair enough

I agree with you on Claydol. Actually, I forgot to put Ice Beam as an option over Earthquake.

I agree with you on needing to set up the Salamence sweep better. If no one else replies to this thread suggesting something, then I'll fix it again.

The main reason why it looks inferior to a lot of teams is because I'm trying to use Pokemon that can do "sort of" the same jobs that the Pokemon they are replacing could. It used to be made up of Sala, Weavile, Cressy, kiss, gross, and Gliscor, but it looks too similar to another team, so that's why I even bothered to change it to begin with.

Edit: I've changed the Salamence Ev's as - almost - suggested.

Just some comments about your concerns.
I'm sorry. I don't know what I was thinking the other day (apparently I wasn't). I know all that already, so why did I spread the Ev's like that? I'm not too sure myself. At any rate, I''ve fixed a bunch of the Ev spreads right now and am looking into Swampert killers.

I'll fix the rest of the team when I think of something. I'm good at making a strategy, I can find a way to set it up, but my problem is that I don't have Wi-Fi, so I can't really see which Pokemon are necessary to counter and which can be beat by prediction, or whether its necessary to spin/(p)haze/get status taker. Also, because of that, I have trouble making my team counter enough (like in the first team I posted here), or too much (like this team).

Sorry again for the inconveniences.
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Toon link
Give Weezing Haze and take of Fire Blast Or ThunderBolt.
Okay, I’ve been rethinking the team to try and kill Swampert, but still be able to cover threats. I have several ideas to fix the team, but I’ll only list 4 of them as they are probably the better ones. I’d like to know the answer to the question: Which change should I make if any of them (because some of them may not work) to fix my team?

The ideas below do not have all the information needed to know about a Pokémon. They are mainly to get a general idea of how to fix the team. If one of them works, I’ll update the first post with the change(s) and all of the necessary information (Ev’s, nature, movesets, etc.). Please remember that this is for Wi-Fi, not Competitor (otherwise Hidden Power would be an option).

1. Give Togekiss Grass Knot instead of Protect to kill Swampert and switch Claydol for Donphan for Tyranitar coverage.

2. Go with StalkWeezing and probably use Flamethrower instead of Fire Blast for PP issues (maybe not). Either keep Cresselia and change its moveset to Grass Knot, Ice Beam, Charge Beam, and Reflect/Moonlight and switch Claydol for Donphan for Tyranitar coverage, or switch Cresselia for the Special Wall variant of Bronzong with Grass Knot, GyroBall, Hypnosis, and Reflect/Stealth Rock/Rock Slide/Charge Beam and keep Claydol as is.

Obviously if Hazing becomes necessary, Claydol will be switch for a Roaring Donphan and if it needs Earthquake, then Bronzong will use Stealth Rock.

3. Switch Claydol for a version of Rapid Spin Starmie (Scarfmie if Timid Starmie doesn’t have enough speed to outspeed Gyarados after one DD). Starmie will have Rapid Spin, Ice Beam, Energy Ball/Grass Knot, and Thunderbolt. Bronzong will be used instead of Cresselia to set up Stealth Rocks (same kind as listed above). Dusknoir will be used instead of Weezing to Sleep Talk (or I might just go with StalkWeezing) with probably Fire and Ice Punch.

4. Switch Weezing for Bronzong (same kind as listed above) or CB, LO, or Defensive, Metagross with Earthquake, Explosion/Grass Knot, Meteor Mash/Bullet Punch, and Reflect/Thunderpunch. Donphan (same kind as listed above) replaces Claydol. However, Bronzong will either be a physical wall version with Cresselia as a special wall, or a special wall version and either a physical wall Cresselia or even defense Cresselia (I still might go special wall Cresselia in this case, but there is not as much reason to).

As a summary to the ideas above: all of them are based on what was said earlier.
DMFG said:
So long as you can prevent a sweep by any one threat, it won't even matter if you're down 1-6 if you can sweep from there with Sally.
So, that is why I would even consider some of the Pokémon that I did to fix the team (like Starmie).

Some of them are assuming that Restalk Weezing can work and do the same job as the other version I had. If it doesn’t, then those ideas obviously don’t work. Also, some of these changes are pretty complicated to explain, so if it seems redundant the way it was written out, I probably didn’t mean for it to look that way.

Of course I could be wrong in my ideas as I can only work off of theory since I don’t have Wi-Fi, but I’d like to here your opinion as to which change I should do. If you don’t want to tell me which one to do, please at least tell me which ones won’t work, and I’ll make the choice myself. Remember that I do have a few other ideas to fix the team if those don’t work.


STalking is a hobby.
Speed EV's are to outspeed other pokemon of the same kind. Normally I would just go one more up, but there are other people who think like that (Fighting Master, Exiled Sicilian, etc.), so I put a little bit more into speed then normal, but if it isn't necessary, I rather put the EV's into something more useful.

I don't use Max HP all the time in order to squeeze out a few EV's for other areas. As there isn't much of a percentage difference and as far as I can see, much of an advantage to max HP rather than max Leftovers recovery, I go with the Max Leftovers recovery.

There were typos in this, sorry for that, but I didn't have time to proofread it because of server lag.

Special attack Ev's are to guarantee a 2HKO and sometimes makes it a OHKO on Salamence and friends. Also, if it was using Charge Beam, then it would be a 2HKO on Gyarados and same for Swampert if I was using Energy Ball.

Weezing, I had no idea what I was doing with it because I've never created a set for it before. So I'll change that Flamethrower to Fire Blast. Also, I'll use Will-O-Wisp as suggested unless hazing becomes necessary.

Like I said before, I did have ideas to fix this team myself to get rid of the lack of an Ice resistence (and probably DDtar weakness), but I wanted to see whether it was necessary or not.

As for the rest of the crazy EV spreads, I'll need someone else to confirm the switch on them before I do so.

I agree with you on Claydol. Actually, I forgot to put Ice Beam as an option over Earthquake.

I agree with you on needing to set up the Salamence sweep better. If no one else replies to this thread suggesting something, then I'll fix it again.

The main reason why it looks inferior to a lot of teams is because I'm trying to use Pokemon that can do "sort of" the same jobs that the Pokemon they are replacing could. It used to be made up of Sala, Weavile, Cressy, kiss, gross, and Gliscor, but it looks too similar to another team, so that's why I even bothered to change it to begin with.

Edit: I've changed the Salamence Ev's as - almost - suggested.

No, you've got things twisted around. Cress having more Spd than regular Cress is not helpful because it will end up in a HUGE stall war, Weezing, same thing. Fighting Master and I mentioned Rhyperior with 20 Spd EVs for other Rhyperior, that's when you consider using extra Spd EVs.

Max HP, 176 Def and 76 SDef seems to be good for Cresselia, none in SAtk because like he said, it won't benefit to anything via knocking it out with alittle more SAtk EVs so that is why that is redundant.

I think it takes 3 Charge Beams to take out Gyarados, maybe even four on Bulky spreads and no SAtk Boost.
I corrected the EV spread issue, and I found out what I was doing wrong with my calculations (I accidentally added STAB to the damage Cresselia would do to Gyarados). Also, thanks, Exiled Sicilian, for seconding the opinion like I asked for (and backing it up with logic).

As for the rethinking part of my team: which of the options that I listed above to change my team do you all suggest I do? Or at least, which ones won't work? I'd appreciate it if someone would help with that.
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STalking is a hobby.
No problem, I just don't think it makes sense for people to tell you what to put in there without giving advice. Most of the time they are just saying it because that's what they see or have been told, so they don't actually know how or why you are supposed to in the first place.

We all do it to a certain extent with stuff, but some try not to as much, than others.
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Aim for the horn!
Okay, I’ve been rethinking the team to try and kill Swampert, but still be able to cover threats. I have several ideas to fix the team, but I’ll only list 4 of them as they are probably the better ones. I’d like to know the answer to the question: Which change should I make if any of them (because some of them may not work) to fix my team?

The ideas below do not have all the information needed to know about a Pokémon. They are mainly to get a general idea of how to fix the team. If one of them works, I’ll update the first post with the change(s) and all of the necessary information (Ev’s, nature, movesets, etc.). Please remember that this is for Wi-Fi, not Competitor (otherwise Hidden Power would be an option).

1. Give Togekiss Grass Knot instead of Protect to kill Swampert and switch Claydol for Donphan for Tyranitar coverage.

Not keen on this. Swampert has no reason to stay in on Togekiss really, and with your EVs you can't even OHKO it. Bringing in Donphan isn't a bad idea though

2. Go with StalkWeezing and probably use Flamethrower instead of Fire Blast for PP issues (maybe not). Either keep Cresselia and change its moveset to Grass Knot, Ice Beam, Charge Beam, and Reflect/Moonlight and switch Claydol for Donphan for Tyranitar coverage, or switch Cresselia for the Special Wall variant of Bronzong with Grass Knot, GyroBall, Hypnosis, and Reflect/Stealth Rock/Rock Slide/Charge Beam and keep Claydol as is.

Stalkweezing seems kinda pointless as a) Pain Split is usually better healing and b) Weezing doesn't really care about status too much, being immune to poison, slow as hell and using special attacks.

Again, Swampy will never stay in on Cress, who doesn't even have a guaranteed 2HKO on it with GK.

I'm not sure what you're trying to say in the last bit, but even Gyro Ball Bronzong is only a shaky T-tar counter at best, barely 2HKOing with a -speed nature and 0 speed IV, while you need about 340 def and max HP just to guarantee that CB'd Crunch won't 2HKO. Still, it will stop DD versions..

Obviously if Hazing becomes necessary, Claydol will be switch for a Roaring Donphan and if it needs Earthquake, then Bronzong will use Stealth Rock.

3. Switch Claydol for a version of Rapid Spin Starmie (Scarfmie if Timid Starmie doesn’t have enough speed to outspeed Gyarados after one DD). Starmie will have Rapid Spin, Ice Beam, Energy Ball/Grass Knot, and Thunderbolt. Bronzong will be used instead of Cresselia to set up Stealth Rocks (same kind as listed above). Dusknoir will be used instead of Weezing to Sleep Talk (or I might just go with StalkWeezing) with probably Fire and Ice Punch.

Rapid Spin Starmie is a dangerous poke to use, and your set just looks like suicide to me. Weavile already gives normal Starmie nightmares, but if it thinks it can come in on a RS then it will do so and annihilate you, grinning happily when it realises you don't even have Surf to threaten it. You will also have serious Infernape issues if you go this way - Starmie needs both Surf and Recover to chase it off, and replacing Cress with Bronzong and Weezing with Dusknoir is just going to make it even worse.

4. Switch Weezing for Bronzong (same kind as listed above) or CB, LO, or Defensive, Metagross with Earthquake, Explosion/Grass Knot, Meteor Mash/Bullet Punch, and Reflect/Thunderpunch. Donphan (same kind as listed above) replaces Claydol. However, Bronzong will either be a physical wall version with Cresselia as a special wall, or a special wall version and either a physical wall Cresselia or even defense Cresselia (I still might go special wall Cresselia in this case, but there is not as much reason to).

Well, Weezing was covering Heracross and neither Metagross nor Bronzong will enjoy trying to take its place in that role.

As a summary to the ideas above: all of them are based on what was said earlier. So, that is why I would even consider some of the Pokémon that I did to fix the team (like Starmie).

Some of them are assuming that Restalk Weezing can work and do the same job as the other version I had. If it doesn’t, then those ideas obviously don’t work. Also, some of these changes are pretty complicated to explain, so if it seems redundant the way it was written out, I probably didn’t mean for it to look that way.

Of course I could be wrong in my ideas as I can only work off of theory since I don’t have Wi-Fi, but I’d like to here your opinion as to which change I should do. If you don’t want to tell me which one to do, please at least tell me which ones won’t work, and I’ll make the choice myself. Remember that I do have a few other ideas to fix the team if those don’t work.

Anyway it's nice that you're thinking about this but you need to make sure that when you change a poke to cover a threat you don't expose yourself to whatever you were trying to cover before in the process. I think bringing in Donphan over Claydol is probably a good idea though all told. As for the rest.. comments above for you to think about.
I've replaced Claydol for Donphan. I'm still not too sure how to arrange the team to set up Salamence better (without a Jirachi), but as far as I can see, the team doesn't really have a weakness anymore. So, I'll continue thinking on it, and if I come up with something, I'll post a new thread on it.

And to everyone who helped me with this team, thank you very much!