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What Types Should A Good Competitive Team Have?

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Screaming Narwhal
Sorry if in wrong spot, I figured that since this was about competitive battling, it should go here.

I'm trying to make a team, but I don't know what types to cover...
I was thinking something like this:

1. Water
2. Fire
3. Grass
4. Fighting
5. Ghost/Psychic
6. Ground

But i'm not sure, what types should a good competitive team cover?
Thanks For Any Help...


breathe, spit, walk
Honsy said:
Sorry if in wrong spot, I figured that since this was about competitive battling, it should go here.

I'm trying to make a team, but I don't know what types to cover...
I was thinking something like this:

1. Water
2. Fire
3. Grass
4. Fighting
5. Ghost/Psychic
6. Ground

But i'm not sure, what types should a good competitive team cover?
Thanks For Any Help...

don't cover types cover Pokemon imo like Heracross, Tyranitar, Suicune, Salamence, Raikou etc.

use type weaknesses and resists for that.


Hyper Coordinator
you need a steel, resists like everything, almost every team now days have either a Skarm, Magneton, Fortress, and Steelix

Grass is seriously unnessary do to the fact that it has so much weaknesses and the only good it will do is to Swampert

Water is good because its only weak to electric and grass moves and like the only grass moves out there are HP Grass

Fire is basically useless seeing how all of fire types suck and with all those water types around it wont survive.

Ghost good because resists Normal attacks

Normal good Hp on most, Resists ghost attacks

Dark, pretty useless seeing how psychic isnt used that much anyways

Poison, No good poisons out there except Weezing

Bug, the only bug type worth using is Heracross

Fighting, Fighting Moves are strong against like everything now, and one Focus Punch usually kills most things, with a Fighting type you can get STAB making it even deadlier

Psychic, Alakazam, Gardevoir, and Jynx are the only ones worth using

Electric, good, kills all those water types

Flying, good cause it resists all those Earthquakes which can drive you nuts

Ice, most water pokemon learns Ice Beam so dont bother with Ice Types

if theres any type i didnt mention, they arent worth using


prophecy fulfilled
Smogon / Assman said:
01 Rapid Spin/Magneton
02 Rock resist
03 Roar/Whirlwind
04 Mixpert counter
05 Gengar counter
06 Special Tank
07 Physical Tank
08 Recover Zam counter
09 (Grass Type)
10 Toxic taker
11 Will-o-Wisp taker
12 Paralysis taker
13 Sleep taker
14 Fighting resistance
15 Tyranitar counter
16 Reversal counter
17 Sludge Bomb Tentacruel counter
18 Water type
19 Taunt Umbreon counter
20 Jirachi Counter
21 Celebi Counter
22 Normal resistance
23 Curselax counter
24 Gyarados+Magneton counter
25 Salamence counter (usually Ice Beam)
26 Ghost to block Rapid Spin (only if you're using Spikes)

no team can cover all of these, but yu have to try and cover as much as you can

credit to www.smogon.com
my team covers all of those

Hey Micky!

Well-Known Member
Slack King said:
cb mence/starlax/phazing and spinning donphan/cm celebi/curse regirock/milotic

please find a weakness
BP Teams, cant PHaze mime w/ phan. Probs others but aint battled in ages.

On topic: Asking for teams isn't gettign a team rated

- Closed


prophecy fulfilled

i remember a time when my sleep talk hera completly ruined you, especially when i said it didn't have megahorn, then it megahorned your celebi to the floor, and stalked rock slide'd your mence to the floor, leaving swampert on a clean up mission
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