What Video Game(s) are you currently playing?
This Thread is very simple. Discuss what Video Game(s) you are currently playing. Tell about it, what you think of it, and how far you are. Ok, I'll start off.
Currently I've been playing Kingdom Hearts II and Final Fantasy IX.
Kingdom Hearts II is the sequel for Kingdom Hearts made by Buena Vista Games and Square-Enix. Characters: Sora, Riku, Kairi, Donald, Goofy, and King Mickey. Basically you manuever through different Disney Worlds and save them from creatures with no hearts (Heartless) and no bodies (Nobodies). So far I've beat the story and have seen the ending. But I'm going back through and completing Jiminy's Journal. Jiminy keeps a Journal that records your accomplishments and gives certain missions. You may also find info by referring to Jiminy's Journal, making it very useful. Anyways, I've been Synthesizing materials and completing missions. Also I've been leveling up anything that can level up. Except for Moogles, because they're maxed out now.
As for Final Fantasy IX, I've already beat the game, but I'm going back through to complete more sidequests. Currently I'm heading towards Burmecia for the first time with Zidane, Freya, Quina, and Vivi. Final Fantasy IX was created by Squaresoft and is the ninth game in the Final Fantasy series. Story: Powerful Empire trying to conquer the known world. Characters: Zidane, Vivi, Steiner, Sarah, Eiko, Amarant, Quina, and Freya. The plot gets deeper as other people become involved along with another world even. Final Fantasy IX mixes the best elements from old and new Final Fantasy Video Games.
So, what Video Game(s) are you currently playing and such?
This Thread is very simple. Discuss what Video Game(s) you are currently playing. Tell about it, what you think of it, and how far you are. Ok, I'll start off.
Currently I've been playing Kingdom Hearts II and Final Fantasy IX.
Kingdom Hearts II is the sequel for Kingdom Hearts made by Buena Vista Games and Square-Enix. Characters: Sora, Riku, Kairi, Donald, Goofy, and King Mickey. Basically you manuever through different Disney Worlds and save them from creatures with no hearts (Heartless) and no bodies (Nobodies). So far I've beat the story and have seen the ending. But I'm going back through and completing Jiminy's Journal. Jiminy keeps a Journal that records your accomplishments and gives certain missions. You may also find info by referring to Jiminy's Journal, making it very useful. Anyways, I've been Synthesizing materials and completing missions. Also I've been leveling up anything that can level up. Except for Moogles, because they're maxed out now.
As for Final Fantasy IX, I've already beat the game, but I'm going back through to complete more sidequests. Currently I'm heading towards Burmecia for the first time with Zidane, Freya, Quina, and Vivi. Final Fantasy IX was created by Squaresoft and is the ninth game in the Final Fantasy series. Story: Powerful Empire trying to conquer the known world. Characters: Zidane, Vivi, Steiner, Sarah, Eiko, Amarant, Quina, and Freya. The plot gets deeper as other people become involved along with another world even. Final Fantasy IX mixes the best elements from old and new Final Fantasy Video Games.
So, what Video Game(s) are you currently playing and such?
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