I finished Strangers of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin to my liking. No DLC for me. Mostly because you can
only play it on the hardest difficulty. I beat the game on the
easiest difficulty (again if you give me BS about this cry me a river). Besides... if you don't want to call this game a soulslike... okay? I guess? At the end of the day though it's a soulslike
inspired game. So it's a game where your supposed to take 20-50+ attempts to beat things. Uh... how about no? I probably shouldn't play games like this but I did for this because it was Final Fantasy related. It probably won't happen again honestly (but not for the reason that you might already be thinking).
The game was good. Don't get me wrong. It was fun at times (although this was likely because I was playing it on the easiest difficulty) but other than that... that was pretty much it. The dialogue was great and honestly funny at times (those Jack one-liners lol. Like 'I don't care' or 'Not my problem'

) and I
did like how all of the areas were based on something from a past Final Fantasy game but other than that... that was basically it. The story was interesting... at first. But after that it was just a whole lot of... nothing. It really was I'm sorry. Just very bland/meh/boring for practically the rest of the game. Until near the end. It
did get better and I'll admit that. But... it was far too little too late at that point. It was bland/meh/boring for too long. But I won't knock the game for that because... this game does something unique that not many do. I don't want to give spoilers... but a way to hint at it is this way... it's what Tales of Berseria did except it didn't happen until the end of the game (in Berseria it pretty much happened at the beginning).
There's actually a well known saying that hints at it as well. It's the saying that goes like this... "You either die a hero... or live long enough to see yourself become the villain"
That's all I'm going to say lol. All in all... I
did enjoy the game but it was too bland/meh/boring for too long and I really shouldn't play soulslikes and/or soulslike inspired games anymore. It really doesn't matter though because due to the Square Enix news a couple of months ago, in all likelihood at least, all spinoff games are dead and buried for good so I
seriously doubt a Stranger of Paradise 2 will
ever happen.
Next up for me... the Poyo Poyo boy again. Kirby. Specifically... Kirby and the Forgotten Land. I've heard nothing but good things about this and I
definitely remember how
AMAZING the demo is. If that's what the full game is like... Legends Arceus might be in trouble at the end of the year lol. But we'll see obviously.