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What Video Game are you currently playing?


Avid Pokemon TCG Card collector.
Okay, I need to say this about Tears of the Kingdom.

I am so disappointed that the Castle Town was not rebuilt in this game, nor was the castle itself restored. The game takes places at least seven years after Breath of the Wild, and in all that time Zelda didn't bother restoring her own castle or the surrounding town?

Another thing that really bothered me is that Zelda has yet to be proclaimed Queen of Hyrule. Her entire to family is dead. There is no one left. How is she not queen? Yes, I get that 'princess' has a better ring to it, but it is nonetheless nonsensical. Zelda should be queen by now.
They must be using the "Princess Zelda" to protect her name under trademark and to possibly part of a quartet with the 3 Mario Princesses.
royal family members including Prince's and Princesses does still have ruling power as long as there is no-one to legitimately oppose it unlike usurpers like Ganon. Any ruling person might prefer being called by the princess moniker or whatever they have been called for years since everyone is so used to say it.


Ghost-Type Master
They must be using the "Princess Zelda" to protect her name under trademark and to possibly part of a quartet with the 3 Mario Princesses.
royal family members including Prince's and Princesses does still have ruling power as long as there is no-one to legitimately oppose it unlike usurpers like Ganon. Any ruling person might prefer being called by the princess moniker or whatever they have been called for years since everyone is so used to say it.

I'm totally fine with Zelda still being called 'Princess Zelda,' but she should still be coronated as queen. In fact, I think that would be one of the dopest changes to the franchise imaginable. Imagine if we reached an era where Zelda is queen and has produced an heir. That would be lit!
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The Mega Champion

Well-Known Member
I finished Strangers of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin to my liking. No DLC for me. Mostly because you can only play it on the hardest difficulty. I beat the game on the easiest difficulty (again if you give me BS about this cry me a river). Besides... if you don't want to call this game a soulslike... okay? I guess? At the end of the day though it's a soulslike inspired game. So it's a game where your supposed to take 20-50+ attempts to beat things. Uh... how about no? I probably shouldn't play games like this but I did for this because it was Final Fantasy related. It probably won't happen again honestly (but not for the reason that you might already be thinking).

The game was good. Don't get me wrong. It was fun at times (although this was likely because I was playing it on the easiest difficulty) but other than that... that was pretty much it. The dialogue was great and honestly funny at times (those Jack one-liners lol. Like 'I don't care' or 'Not my problem' :p) and I did like how all of the areas were based on something from a past Final Fantasy game but other than that... that was basically it. The story was interesting... at first. But after that it was just a whole lot of... nothing. It really was I'm sorry. Just very bland/meh/boring for practically the rest of the game. Until near the end. It did get better and I'll admit that. But... it was far too little too late at that point. It was bland/meh/boring for too long. But I won't knock the game for that because... this game does something unique that not many do. I don't want to give spoilers... but a way to hint at it is this way... it's what Tales of Berseria did except it didn't happen until the end of the game (in Berseria it pretty much happened at the beginning).

There's actually a well known saying that hints at it as well. It's the saying that goes like this... "You either die a hero... or live long enough to see yourself become the villain"

That's all I'm going to say lol. All in all... I did enjoy the game but it was too bland/meh/boring for too long and I really shouldn't play soulslikes and/or soulslike inspired games anymore. It really doesn't matter though because due to the Square Enix news a couple of months ago, in all likelihood at least, all spinoff games are dead and buried for good so I seriously doubt a Stranger of Paradise 2 will ever happen.

Next up for me... the Poyo Poyo boy again. Kirby. Specifically... Kirby and the Forgotten Land. I've heard nothing but good things about this and I definitely remember how AMAZING the demo is. If that's what the full game is like... Legends Arceus might be in trouble at the end of the year lol. But we'll see obviously.
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Avid Pokemon TCG Card collector.
A new replay run in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond. Just Defeated Byron.


Well-Known Member
currently busy and breezing through Final Fantasy VIII Remastered for my Playstation 4. already In the beginning of "Disc 3" story in the game where I have to find Ellone and the hiding out White Ship. Waiting til I get the Ragnarock ship to finish up on some of the less important sidequest stuff like the Shadow and monkey sidequest, the Pupu alien quest and the big important sidequest Bahamut and Ultimate Weapon at the Deep Sea research. Slowly trying to get the Elnoyle cards or whatever they're called to get Squall's Lionheart weapon soon in Chapter 3. I'm just not one of those people who have to have it right away in the start of the game. Dunno how those hardcore people can do it anyway.


Lazy Summer
everything got rearranged recently and i didn't finish anything from my previous post

Xbox: WWE 2K24, Alan Wake Remastered, Crash Bandicoot N.Sane Trilogy
Switch: Pokemon Scarlet, Mario and Rabbids: Kingdom Battle.

After Playing Free weekends of 22 and 23 on Xbox the past couple years i finally got back into the WWE videogames. "My Faction" mode sucks having to buy your way through

Played Alan Wake on the 360 way back when. Bought the Remaster to prepare for the Physical Disc release of #2 in October

Crash Bandicoot was just released on Game pass. Have it on PS4 but playing again anyway.

Trying to finally finish a Playthrough of Scarlet, still having problems settling on a team of 6. Debating going to the DLC early
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Well-Known Member
just finished beating Final Fantasy VIII Remastered for my Playstation 4. Griever was a pain in the butt.

also before I had to fight Griever and Ultimecia, I was trying to do a little extra by trying to take on Omega Weapon but he kept killing me every time with his Meggido and PIllar stuff.

One time I managed to beat Omega Weapon when I had FInal Fantasy VIII for my original Playstation years ago. the fight for the original version other game wasn't that hard where I kept using Squall all the time back then.

Plus an hour ago I tried to use Selphie to do her The End spell but I kept getting Holy spells and Rapture spells every time.

The Mega Champion

Well-Known Member
I finished Kirby and the Forgotten Land to my liking last night. So... is everyone saying this is the 'best' Kirby game ever made/of the entire franchise true and/or accurate? In many ways... it is. However... I don't like calling anything the 'best' of a series/franchise. Because at the end of the day... it's all subjective anyway and your going to get different answers from different people. Most of the game is pretty damn amazing yes. The graphics is probably the best graphics of the entire franchise. It had an ANIME OP-LIKE THEME SONG. ALL OF MY YES. Not only that... the music in this game might just be the best Kirby music/soundtrack I've ever heard. The mouthful mechanic/gimmick is probably the funniest mechanic/gimmick I've seen of the franchise, maybe ever. The gameplay is incredibly good and fun and being able to upgrade copy abilities is the BEST THING THEY MIGHT HAVE EVER DONE. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DO THIS FROM NOW ON OR DO IT AS OFTEN AS POSSIBLE.

There's just one problem. One thing that has been made abundantly clear at this point when it comes to the Kirby franchise. They can't seem to find a middle ground in terms of 'difficulty'. Star Allies was too easy. Now... the missions to rescue the Waddle Dees in this game are ridiculously and overly difficult at times. Especially the boss missions. Are you kidding me with this BS with speedrunning and not taking any damage? This isn't Dark Souls I'm sorry. Some of the missions in the regular stages were just as bad as well. They really need to make up their minds on difficulty. But they clearly can't and clearly won't. This **** ruined my experience and I can't get past it and I shouldn't be expected to. Sorry it just did. There is no reason and no need for **** like this I'm sorry. Get it out. I would have preferred a 'collectible' mechanic like in the previous Kirby games over this ****. For that reason alone... it didn't overcome the thing that many seemed to be hoping it would (and I was too honestly). Because there's no reason for this.

But I did play post-game (don't have a heart attack) and it's the closest I've ever gotten to 100% in a Kirby game (90%). So there's that I guess. It's just the ridiculous difficulty of the Waddle Dee rescue missions that ruined this game for me. Other than that... yeah I'd guess I'd say it's the best Kirby game of the franchise/ever made. But that's still subjective.

Next up for me... is the Sly Cooper franchise on the PS3. Yes I'm playing the PS3 in 2024 what of it? Yes ALL OF IT (Sly Cooper franchise). I know that seems like a lot but most of them are short so it might not take as long as it appears. Though I will be attempting the Platinum in most of the games except one I believe (Sly 3 I think? I can't remember which one it is). So there's that to keep in mind as well. I won't be giving my thoughts on each and every game. I'll be giving my thoughts on the franchise as a whole so you won't hear from me again until that point.


To Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before.
Staff member
Been catching up with my Switch.

Stardew Valley
Pokemon Shield
Slime Rancher


Just having too much fun. I've missed it.


Lazy Summer
  1. Finished up most of WWE 2k24, besides the MyRise "Create a Character stories" and MyGM is Confusing.
  2. Alan Wake i think i'm on the last chapter. Just like Dead Space, i won't touch Insanity Difficulty.
  3. Finished Crash Bandicoot 1. Except for the colored Gems and Gold Speed Relics.
  4. Forgot about the Switch again so nothing got done there

Xbox: Lego Movie the Videogame, Lego Movie 2 the Videogame, Lego Marvel Avengers

and just like that I'm back to my Lego Mood :D


Well-Known Member
preordered Star Wars Jedi Survivor for my Playstation 4. Preordered the game off of Walmart online.

so sometime this month I'm going to be playing that game to keep me busy


I've gotten back into Terraria again. It's one of those games I start and play for weeks on end and invest a lot of hours into before I give it a break for a few months. It's a vicious cycle lol.


Well-Known Member
I got Star Wars Outlaws free with the GPU I bought last week so I've been playing that. It's decent I guess? It's your typical Ubisoft game with a Star Wars skin.


Avid Pokemon TCG Card collector.
I got Star Wars Outlaws free with the GPU I bought last week so I've been playing that. It's decent I guess? It's your typical Ubisoft game with a Star Wars skin.
Me too but not free as a something included with anything else. I got mine at a 10% discount, the company that owns the super market i work also owns the big electronics around here. Their employee discount card both works for the food store and at the biggest electronics store here called Elko

My only gripes so far
Nix steal skill is a bit clunky, he can only steal from specific people and you have to inmediately tap L1 after he is on the victims body.
Otherwise you might need to start over with the command.
The game doesn't have a health meter
Intro level is ridiculously long.