The Mega Champion
Well-Known Member
And that's Live A Live completed with both Bad Endings and the True Ending. I have to be completely and brutally honest with all of you... that was probably the best HD2D game I've played thus far. That... doesn't exactly say all that much though consider the only other one I've played is Octopath 1 lol. Still though. It has problems. Obviously. Prehistory story is absolutely atrocious, Ninja chapter is too damn convoluted, and the Present Day MC has no character until literally the final fight of the chapter. But there were great moments too. I still really liked the Ninja chapter and it was really unique (just wish it wasn't so god damn convoluted), Near Future was probably my favorite chapter and Distant Future was a close second (CUBE BEST BOI). BUT GOD DAMN THE FINAL BOSS FIGHT IN THE FINAL CHAPTER (trying my best to avoid spoilers here sorry lol). Made everything SO GOD DAMN WORTH IT.
So yeah. Loved it. Wouldn't mind another one. It'll never happen unfortunately though with Square 'focusing on major releases'. Oh well. At least I got to experience this one I guess.
Next up everyone... it's finally happening...
It's time... to SURVIVE
(Digimon Survive)
So yeah. Loved it. Wouldn't mind another one. It'll never happen unfortunately though with Square 'focusing on major releases'. Oh well. At least I got to experience this one I guess.
Next up everyone... it's finally happening...
It's time... to SURVIVE
(Digimon Survive)