not really. [SPOIL]After the battle with Heath, some of the remaining Frontier Brains had pretty subpar battles. There were some great ones, like Cotoise vs. Registeel (though that wasn't even a winning match), and the battle against Ukon was pretty good, maybe Lila to a lesser extent, but neither of those could top the Heath battle (I'd put some more thought into comparing with the Registeel battle, though). Azami just ended up being a repeat of Adan for the most part, and I'm sure everyone's aware of how friggin' p
issed I am with the Jindai conclusion. As we saw, that nostalgic fanservice wasn't even necessary considering the first three competitors on both sides end in a double KO, meaning a one-on-one against Regice was innevitable anyway. To add salt to the wound, they let Jindai's Regice use Rest and make Pikachu's win seem incredibly cheap with a one-hit KO. -_-[/SPOIL]
Anyway, I'd definitely go with the Heath battle (though, as I said in the spoiler, a certain other Brain battle was a good contender). The kickass Oosubame and the loveable Heigani in a Double Battle featuring some of the best animation the series has ever had. That overshowcased mutt sorta brings it down, but at least Heigani pwns it in the end. ^^ Plus, I really get a kick out of Satoshi going up against someone who sounds like Count Elec. XD
Now, if we were to include league battles, I think Kaede's still a good runner.