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What Was The Best Gym/Frontier Battle?


Well-Known Member
What was the best gym leader and battle frontier battle? For me, the best gym battle was the Sootopilis (sp?) battle and the best Battle Frontier Battle was the Battle Pyramid Battle! So, what do youthink is the best battle?

Sailor Merury

Butterflys rock!
Battle Pyaramid.

Sailor Merury

Butterflys rock!
It'll get better.


Well-Known Member
Best Gym: Brawly (only one he lost I believe)
Battle Frontier: Brandon


I'm particularly fond of Ash's battle against Blaine. It brings back memories, and it showcased one of my favorites....BEFORE Booburn, that is. *shudder*


I own the 5th gen
It'll get better.

not really. [SPOIL]After the battle with Heath, some of the remaining Frontier Brains had pretty subpar battles. There were some great ones, like Cotoise vs. Registeel (though that wasn't even a winning match), and the battle against Ukon was pretty good, maybe Lila to a lesser extent, but neither of those could top the Heath battle (I'd put some more thought into comparing with the Registeel battle, though). Azami just ended up being a repeat of Adan for the most part, and I'm sure everyone's aware of how friggin' pissed I am with the Jindai conclusion. As we saw, that nostalgic fanservice wasn't even necessary considering the first three competitors on both sides end in a double KO, meaning a one-on-one against Regice was innevitable anyway. To add salt to the wound, they let Jindai's Regice use Rest and make Pikachu's win seem incredibly cheap with a one-hit KO. -_-[/SPOIL]

Anyway, I'd definitely go with the Heath battle (though, as I said in the spoiler, a certain other Brain battle was a good contender). The kickass Oosubame and the loveable Heigani in a Double Battle featuring some of the best animation the series has ever had. That overshowcased mutt sorta brings it down, but at least Heigani pwns it in the end. ^^ Plus, I really get a kick out of Satoshi going up against someone who sounds like Count Elec. XD

Now, if we were to include league battles, I think Kaede's still a good runner.


Well-Known Member
Lost against Takeshi
Lost against Machisu
Lost twice against Natsume
Lost against Katsura
Lost against Akane, and had to go 3 v 1 to beat her
Lost against Senri

I ment in Hoenn Battle Franky


Well-Known Member
Best gym battle: Liza and Tate (solorock and lutone were hard 0_o)
Best BF: Battle factory
The best gym battle would be between either Blaine or Misty. Blaine had a cool battle set in a cool location with cool Pokemon, and Misty's battle...well, it was Misty, for heavens sake!

The best battle frontier battle was the first one with the dude and the Articuno only because Ash used Charizard. It was actually the last episode I saw, and Charizard rocked!
The best battle frontier battle was the first one with the dude and the Articuno only because Ash used Charizard. It was actually the last episode I saw, and Charizard rocked!

The Noland battle was definatly down there with Azami's battle as the WORST of all the battle frontier battles. If you want to watch Charizard, but in a somewhat decent battle, wait a little bit.


Soaring high above
frontier, the final battle 4 vs 4. twas class.

gym, Blane, Falkner, i liked the team rocket one too, as well as kogas


Izit cuz I is black?
His battle against Juan was really good, as was his match against Tucker (and the wonderful battle between Torkoal and Registeel, of course)


Gym battle: Erika, Falkner, Morty, and Juan

Battle Frontier battle: Tucker's and Anabel's.


Well-Known Member
The best one i SCENE was Veridian Gym. Ash could barely keep from passing out and the addrenaline just came rushing.