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What was the first Pokemon you ever laid eyes on?


faith is power...
What I mean is this: Usually when you were introduced to Pokemon there was a first Pokemon you saw. I still remember the first Pokemon I ever saw... Mine was Vulpix. I was eating at KFC and they were selling these plushes to advertise for a New show called, " Pokemon." When my dad handed me the toy I was so excited and I read the tag. Most peoples first Pokemon was Pikachu and for some it wasnt. Just thought I start up a thread about this.

So when you first discovered Pokemon, what was the first Pokemon you saw?


Mostly harmless
I think mine was Primape. I was flipping through channels on th tv, and then pokemon popped up. It was the episode when Ash catches a primape on his way to Celedon City. I might have seen others before that, but that's the first one i remember.


Well-Known Member
The first pokemon i saw was Caterpi;010; my mom got it for me for a birthday present b4 i ever saw the pokemon show and to this day i still like Caterpi :)


Kanto Starter Fan
Charizard and Blastoise both at the same time, as they were on the Covers of Red and Blue lined up on the Shelves in a Game Shop.
Onix and Sandslash. First pokemon I ever saw in my life. I was 4, and saw the episode where Bruno was calming an onix. I saw the part where Bruno took Sandslash out of onix. After that, I was addicted!!


Strawberry fields.
Goldeen was the first Pokémon I ever saw. From the third episode or something like that.
I think the first I ever saw was the Charizard on the Red box, but the one that had the most influence was Mewtwo, who was at least in the first 20 I ever saw. Mewtwo looked so cool, and so I decided to save up for and buy a gameboy colour and the game.


my first was a kabuto, on Bills door. giant dragonite later on convinced me that i like pokemon. in celebration i shal train a dragonite in DP


Cascade Trainer
The first ones ever were Squirtle, Raticate, Zubat, Bulbasaur, Charmander, Diglett, Charizard, Blastoise and Geodude from a TV commercial. All at once.
I got freaked out, it seemed so cool.
Uh...Bulbasau, Charmander, Squirtle, and Pikachu on a tape of episodes I saw at the store


First Pokemon I ever saw would've been Charmander on a Trading Card.

My friend had been to America, and I hadn't heard of Pokemon - he'd bought some cards, and that was the first I saw.

Well, the first I saw was a Double Colourless energy, but that doesn't count as a Pokemon. :p