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What was ur first lvl 100 PKMN!!


Mine was a machamp because back then i liked wrestling and i though he was one of the guys of mortal combat looked like him so i trained him then i got a full party of lvl 100 Machamps


are any of your machamps female? I sorta have a fetish for female machamp...


These are real fears
I've never had one. :p I don't have enough patience to train them for so long.


Dark Tucker!
A Primeape in Yellow, because I thought it was all-pwnful when I was like 9. :p


Feraligatr from Crystal. I used to live in New Orleans, and I was like, "My alligator is so very strong."


Rayquaza, from Emerald. I never had the decency to play after the E4 and just gave the games to my brother back in the first and second gen.


lati....os i think...all i remember is that within 2 weeks i had both

it was os cus i remember preferring latias, and then realising that it was the on i didnt get to lvl 100

Mew King

It's black magic!
Legitimate or the level 134 Alakazams and Mewtwos I have thanks to the Misingno Glitch. The others would be:

Blue: Blastoise
Yellow: Pikachu
Gold: Typhlosion
Silver: Meganium
Crystal: Feraligatr
Ruby: Blaziken
Sapphire: Sceptile
FireRed: Blastoise
LeafGreen: Blastoise
Emerald: Sceptile

Emerald 2006

Well-Known Member
Mewtwo, as I found it on the Pokemon Red Glitch, surfing along the shore of the last island, I forget what it's called...


Well-Known Member
Believe it or not, it wasn't a Sneasel. It was actually my Mewtwo from Blue. Followed by Haunter.


What 'bout My Star?
Mine was my Blastiose in Red, followed by a Charizard then Mewtwo.


I love Dara <3
Mewtwo ^_^; Its fun and yet annoying getting Pokemon up to lvl 100 XD