When I got the game, I literally didn't take it out of my DS for two weeks, except for very few Metroid Prime Hunters matches.
I saw the mail truck pull up to my driveway while I was talking to Ledian_X about the game. I saw a package, instantly typed "brb" in my IM to LX, and dashed right out the door. Opened the mailbox, and there it was. A package with a foreign language on it (Dutch? I don't know). It said lik-sang.com right on it. Oh God, I felt like the kid from the N64 video. I savagely ripped up the package, and there it was, in all its shining glory. A Pokemon Pearl game that I can't read a word of.
I told LX that it came in, still acting like the kid from the video, and instantly turned off my computer. Shoving the game into my DS, I could not believe what I saw. I skipped the intro (I got too used to doing that - I watched it again later, though), and was hypnotized by the title screen. A blazing Parukia silhouette, and no music. Very dark, and added a lot of feeling to the game. I chose the New Game button, and my adventure began (no pun intended with the Professor's speech).
I skipped through Professor Nanakamado's speech (I can't read Japanese), named my character Tyler, and started my game. The graphics were excellent; I can't even describe them. Sprites, yet 3D buildings; this was a better blend than you would think. On my TV, the news was on. I later found out through translations that they said something about a shiny Gyrados rampaging in a lake somewhere. I went to the only place I could at the time, which was Truth Lake. My rivals and the Professor were both there. In a couple minutes, I got into a battle with my new Hikozaru.
Eventually, I made it to the first gym city with a team of six (most of which are now in the PC). I even made a
two-part video of this gym. I easily defeated Hyouta, and soon left Kurogane City.
This game had me addicted. This was truly one of the best Pokemon games of all time. Later on, I had my first experience with Team Galaxy, and beat more gyms. My team was about equal to my friend Hoshi no Kabii's, so I challenged him to a Wi-Fi battle. I headed down to the Pokemon Center basement, and went online. WiFi was relatively simple to use. I set up a battle, and soon Hoshi joined it. Voice chat, unlike Metroid Prime Hunters, was slightly clearer, and you did not need to hold a button. It is also through the whole match. Our prediction came to life; I easily beat him. We decided to try out the trades. I forget what I gave him, but he gave me a Sukapuu. Voice chat, again, lasted for the whole trade.
Later on, I headed to Tengan Mountain. After a treacherous hike, filled with snow and new Pokedex additions, I reached the Spear Pillar. As expected, there were many battles up here. I don't remember for sure, but I think one was a double battle with my rival as my partner. The battle music was still amazing, no matter who I was fighting. And soon, there he was. Parukia loomed in front of me.
Without thinking, I chucked my Master Ball at him.
I then went to catch the three little legends, Yukishii, Emuritto, and Agunomuu. After this, I beat a couple more gyms, taking out Fire-types with my new team addition (Parukia), and eventually went to the Elite Four. I stocked up on items and headed into the fray. These guys are tougher than any E4 before them, that's for sure. But on my fourth try (which happened to be on a two-day school trip), I defeated Shirona, AND obtained the National Dex. I had even performed the Darkrai and Sheimi glitch!
Eventually, I had beaten the game's storyline, and started to use the Poketore and catch GBA-insert pokemon. This was the end. This game gets a complete five stars from me. I am still addicted to it this very day.
Wow, that was a long post. =P