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What will you do when you get your Wii home?


Well me...

1. Open the box and read the booklets
2. Take pics and videos of it if my camera is working
3. Hook it up to my cheap 14 inch Sony TV lol
4. Change settings
5. Get Opera Browser
6. Create a Mii
7. Put in Twilight Princess or Wii Sports and start playing!

what will you do?
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Well-Known Member
Well me...

1. Open the box and read the booklets
2. Take pics and videos of it if my camera is working
3. Hook it up to my cheap 14 inch Sony TV lol
4. Change settings
5. Get Opera Browser
6. Create a Mii
7. Put in a TP and start playing!

what will you do?

same here - I don't know what TP is though.


Storm Trainer
Well, here's what I will do (cue the plan as stylized in Yzma's form, or YZMAVISION!):

First, I shall take it out of the box, and read the manual on how to hook it up.
Then, I shall put in the batteries that come with the Wii Remote.
Next, I shall start it up, and create a Mii.
After that, I will go to the Wii Shop Channel, and download the following: The Internet Browser (Free until July '07), Kid Icarus, Castlevania, and anything else I might afford with Wii Points.
Then, I shall try out Wii Sports, and when I'm done, I'll surf the net and get in on some Youtube videos on my TV.
And after I've done all that, I shall go downstairs, register my Wii (if they offer free Wii Points with Registration), and I'll be done with my To-Do List! It's Brilliant, Brilliant, BRILLIANT I TELL YOU! HA-HA-HA-HA!

And TP stands for "Twilight Princess."


Meteor Trainer
1: Stare at it with nervous hands
2: Timidly open the box
3: Plug it into my 21' Philips TV
4: Take the Wiimote out of the box
5: Put the batteries in the Wiimote
6: Put in one of my games and start playing.

1: Open up my second Wiimote
2: Invite my dad to play Wii Sports or something with me.


Well-Known Member
1: Cheer
2: Open the box
3: Look inside the box, see the Wii and smell the smell of a brand new console
4: Cheer again
5: Take the Wii out
6: Put the Wii next to the tv
7: Cheer again
8: Plug the Wii in
9: Cheer again
10: Put a Wii game in
11: Cheer again
12: Start up the Wii
13: Astonished by amazement

The rest I won't remember by fainting out of pure joy.


Well-Known Member
- Open the box
- Disregard the instructions as usual
- Hook it all up, whilst listening to some music
- Sort out my preferences
- Create a Mii
- Try out Wii Sports before moving onto my other games

The Thrashmeister

<-- Made of awesome.
1. Put on gloves
2. Open box (carefully)
3. Remove everything from the box except the Wii itself
4. Spend three hours reading the manual
5. Spend an additional two hours taking the Wii out of the box
6. Spend four hours figuring out where to put it
7. Decide to put it in the living room
8. Continue reading everything else
9. Spend two days figuring out where to put it (I literally have no space for anything anymore)
10. Most likely play it



In this order

1. Open Box
2. Spend half an hour reading the instructions
3. Hook up the Wii
4. Put batteries in Wiimote
5. Start up the Wii and change setting to my liking.
6. Create a Mii
7. Download Opera Browser
8. Play Wii Sports and any other game I have
9. Order Wii Card


Well-Known Member
Plug it in paying no attention to the instructions.
Stuff the batteries in.
Boot the system up.
Gracefully, slide in TP.
Play for several hours.
Go to bed... happy.


Feel my soul
First, I'd open up the box. Then, I'd have my dad hook it up somewhere.. (Since I'd have no idea how to plug it in. XD) Probably in my room, since my GC is still broken. Then I'd briefly set up a Mii and fool with the settings, and then I'd start playing TP or whatever game I decide to get. :)


The magic of Pokemon
1. Decide on a spot to put it
2. Open the box and fish out the instruction manual(s)
3. Read up on said instructions while my dad does the dirty work of hooking it up and fixing up the Wiimote
4. Get browser
5. Look around Virtual Console and get whatever games I can afford, if any.
6. Register said Wii if free points are offered
7. Make a Mii
8. Look around Virtual Console some more
9. Play whatever I got from Virtual Console and/or Zelda: Twilight Princess until I drop.
10. Spend the next week playing with said Wii save for school, food, bathroom, and sleep.


Well-Known Member
1. Shout "Huzzah!" a few times.
2. Do the "Holy crap I gots a Wii" dance until I faint.
3. Wake up miraculously two seconds later and open the box.
4. Take the Wii out of the box.
5. Get Dad to hook it up.
6. Put batteries into Wiimotes.
7. Make a Mii.
8. Get browser.
9. Download the first Metroid.
10. Play said Metroid or another game I have bought, or got with it.


Well-Known Member
Open Box
Edit Settings
Play TP


Procrastinate Today!
1. Run like mad from livingroom to my room with box.
2. Find a way to open box as fast as possible while damaging box as little as possible.
3. Take out Wii.
4. Bask in the glory that is Wii.
5. Plug it in, put batteries in Wiimotes, yada yada.
6. Check out all the settings, hopefully I can get online by then.
7. Play Need for Speed until I get bored
8. Don't touch it again intil SSBB, Pokemon, or Sonic come out on the Wii.