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What would you call yourself?

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Skarmory Rider
Hah! What I mean is, in the game, depending on what you do, what would you call youself? I was just wondering because I realize a lot of people do others things in the game other than train pokemon and battle.

Collects items, have Itemfinder on the select button, have item stealing pokemon. You are a Pirate/Treasure Hunter/Item Guy/whatever.

or something as simple as

Has all Normal type pokemon. You are a Normal type trainer.

^Like that!


i love to fish in the games,alot easier than in real life,plus its fun,so guess I'm a fisher,


Pokemon Contest r the ulta-matia grs'sta!! oh sorry. But yeah Pokemon Contest
I am a insane trainer. One of those who EV trains, and finds the best teams, breeds to perfection, fight Legends multiple times to get the best IV's ect.

Also, as far as I know, I am the only human on the planet that caught all 386 Pokemon legitly with a normal Pokeball, no great, Ultra, Master, ect.
a breeder, probably - but only until I have a pokemon with wondrous stats and egg moves 8)

then it's all serious training for me.

but I'm a bit of a flying type and ghost type fan


Well-Known Member
The Sneasel Wh*re. 8D

Oh, come on... like I was going to be any other. I have 120 Sneasels on Emerald and literally hundreds more on Pokemon Box. Those on Emerald are EV trained with 47 at level 100... and before you query, this is over a course of around two years, since buying Leaf Green.


I live for the fronteir. When I beat it all I was so sad but then I got MDB and will eventually get the 4th gen. I would say I'm a breeder because I am obsessed with perfect pokemon. And I love to discover new things.


A collector--maybe a historian, strange as that sounds.


Well-Known Member
I guess a trainer, plain trainer for any types. I'll help any type train, which is why I'm so close to killing myself so many times. :[

Momoko Lover

Hop, Skip, Jump!!!
I'm sort of a mix of a Coordinator and a Gardener. I love to plant berries. It's like so awesome. Pokemon Contests are pretty cool too.
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