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What would you rather be? A trainer or a Pokemon?

What would you rather be? A trainer or a Pokemon?

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So, what would you rather be? A trainer traveling with powerfull creatures trying to reach a goal, or one of those "powerfull creatures" yourself, and use amazing powers and being something else other then a human?(Finnaly ;))? I'm not sure, but maybe I'd like to be Pokemon better. What'a 'bout you?


The Queen
I would probably like to be a trainer...*cough* coordinator. I guess I would like to huggle my Pikachu than be one of them. ^_-


Well-Known Member
Trainer for sure.
Commanding other creatures around and force them to fight untill they faint, while I don't have to do anything myself.
Much better then getting beat up and fainting every ten minutes.


Nintendo WII>>>You
I like to be a trainer more than a pokemon


Well-Known Member
I'd want to be a trainer (more coordinator). It sounds like so much fun and I would just love it. Or I would want to be a Pichu. XD;

Horn Drill

Being a Pokemon might be interesting, but I don't think I could give up my humanity. :p I'd be a Trainer, because then I could have the fun of owning as many Pokemon I want rather than being stuck as a Roselia or Castform or something. o_O ;315; ;351;

Flying Tropius

I porbably wanna be a Pokemon and learn good moves
I want to be a Scyther


A trainer, that's me but it would be cool to be a Pokémon, then I would be a Gyarados, but I'll be blown away by a Pikachu's Thunderbolt...sigh ^^''


Definately a trainer. It would be very cool.

[edit] Actually I've thought about Alakazam, an IQ of 5000 would be very useful. :D
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Back I guess??
I´d like to be a pokemon, maybe a flying one.... with psychic powers, and awesome ability, hummm, claydol or xatu would be cool. but if not I´d like to be a coordinator with a ditto and meowth.

Evanji Axu

I'd want to be a trainer and get to hang around as many of those awesome critters as I desire. It'd be sweet to be a Pokemon too, but I'd rather not run the risk of being stuck with a butthole trainer.
A trainer because you get to experince more things then a Pokemon. Contest, BF, E4 gym leaders and more. And you dont have to worry about being trapped in a Pokeball all day intill your trainer lets you out for a battle. Also catching those Pokemon you wish you want to be.

;003;Dark Venusaur;003;


I’d have to be a trainer so I could….CAUSE MASS DESTRUCTION AND CHAOS AND INSTILL A NEVER ENDING FEAR INTO THE HEARTS OF ALL WITH MY OUTLANDISHLY STRONG, TOOLS OF DEVISTATION Pokemon… The terror…the destruction..the merriment…o_O Whaaaaaaaaatttt? A guy can dream can’t he?
I'd be a Pokemon, specifically either Slakoth or Snorlax, because then I wouldn't have to answer for my laziness.

Flame Sabre

Both would be cool I guess. Being a Pokemon like Snorlax, I'd have almost no work at all; I'd eat and sleep all day long. :eek: (you guessed it, I'm uber lazy). XD

Being a trainer sounds fine too. Going on a journey, catching wild Pokemon, meeting (insert "attractive female" here) trainers...you get the drift. ;D

Pokemon Master Aun

I would like to be a trainer it would be so much fun just training pokemon and battling them.
Pokemaníaco Desesperado said:
Can you meet lots of female trainers being a pokémon?, I guess you can't ;)
Yeah, that's my motivation xD.
You said it all. :D

I'd be a Trainer... though being a Pokémon wouldn't be half bad either. I mean, there's Gardevoir and Bellossom to look at. ;)
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