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What would your starter be?


If pokemon were real, and you could have any pokemon as your starter what would it be, how would you obtain it and why would you choose it?
Mine would be Aipom. I would get a pokeball as a gift and go catch an Aipom which has been causing havoc in the nearby town. My reason is its a good starter because of its simple moveset... ;190; (I would teach it Focus Punch)
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The Master...
i think many people would pick eevee cuz of its wide diversity
but me....ghastly

God of Murkrow

Devourer of Children
Interesting thread!

Well, I would be walking down the street one day when I would find a Pokeball on the side of the road. I'd go to school and be really proud of myself. I could catch anything I found! On the way home, I'd run out of school, only to see the bus has left without me. I decide to take a shortcut through a dark forest.

And I mean dark.


Walking through the undergrowth, I'd think to myself what an idiot I was to think about this. Then, something catches my eye. It's a pokemon.



Tails the Bouyzel
No contest, Pochama...

Sorry Gabaito, Pochama's cuter..

~~;444; "Grrrrrrrrowl........"


guess whos back?
Meowth, because then i could teach it payday. =D
Either that or ditto, because transforming playdo rocks.
Korinku so that it'll evolve into Rukushio <3

Solar Crimson

A Crimson Tide
Dratini, who would follow me like Ash's Pikachu.

random guy

<the essence of cool
mine would be remoraid which i would evolve into an octillery and this is how i would get it...

it was a day after my birthday and i was given a pokeball me my family went on family vacation to a lake. we were swimming in the lake and something bit my foot. i begin to freak out and grab what was on my foot. i take it and run out of the water and toss it on the ground only to find out it's a remoraid. i through my pokeball. everyone stares at it wobble axciosly(sp) then it stops moving. everyone cheers im so happy and then i go brag


Well-Known Member
Lotad/Pikachu (Raichu <3)/Sneasel/Psyduck.

Out of all original starters, Bulbasaur/Cyndaquil/Mudkip/Pochama.

~Shadow Vulpix~

Active Member
Hmm...probably either a Bulbasaur or an Eevee.

Valkyrie X

Well-Known Member

...*cough* >_>;; Legendaries aside, for a starter, I'd have either Charmander or Bagon. Can't decide whether I like Charizard or Salamence more. :<
