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what your favorite hitmon?

Hitmonlee, no reason though
I don't really like any of them, but I like Hitmontop better than the others.


Well-Known Member
mine is hitmontop no reason particually just looks cooler.

does anyone else think that hitmonlee look like a chicken nugget with limbs?

The Thunderbird

Dreams come true
In D/P elemental punches are physical, meaning Hitmonchan can do signifigant damage with them. On topic, my favorite Hitmon is Hitmonlee.


Hitmonchan. He's been my fave since I was a wee little lad. Fists of Fury in a kilt are way cooler than a guy with eyes on his chest. Hitmontop seems...unnatural. Like he was just added because they wanted him to be. They had punching and kicking, and what do they add? a fighting dreidel. Plus his name doesn't come from a fighter.


Primeapes My Man
I really don't know but I find Hitmontops moveset the worst. I love fightting types so he is in my team. Hmm Hitmonchan seems to have best moveset (don't like kicks accuracy/need of mind reader).